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There was a time when it was fashionable to add a weathervane, often with a cockerel, particularly on new-builds in rural areas. Some of them were traditionally crafted by a blacksmith.
== Eaves. Etxe hegalak ==
The eave is the part of the roof that is most visible to passer-bys, which was the reason that it was the most likely part to be decorated.
Ironwork was the most common way to decorate the doors. Some of the iron pieces are essential, such as the nails that hold the different parts together and the hinges; even so, there are notable differences between those whose function is exclusively structural and those that are also for decoration purposes. Handles, keyholes and knockers are features of more luxurious doors. Cross and, above all, plaques with the Sacred Heart were added to protect the household.
== Coats-of-arms. Armarriak ==
Houses with a coat-of-arms on their frontage could be found in practically all the communities surveyed. There was a general belief that those houses are or were important, and the most notable of each location.
Inscriptions are usually on the lintels of the front doors. The most important ones have the name of the house, the year it was built and the name of the person who built or restored it.
{{DISPLAYTITLE: IX. HOUSE DECORATION}} {{#bookTitle:House and Family in Vasconia the Basque Country | Casa_y_familia_en_vasconia/en}}
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