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En las regiones de poblamiento disperso -País Vasco continental, Gipuzkoa, la Montaña Navarra y Bizkaia- eran los familiares que componían el duelo quienes regresaban, formando un cortejo, a la casa mortuoria donde tenía lugar el banquete preparado para la ocasión. Los demás asistentes al entierro recibían después del funeral un refrigerio en el pórtico o en los aledaños de la iglesia.
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La conclusión de las exequias conllevaba generalmente refecciones y ágapes que más adelante describiremos. Interesa destacar desde ahora que es precisamente en estos ágapes donde se manifiesta con mayor claridad que los asistentes al entierro y funeral componían dos grupos diferenciados: el ''grupo de honra, ''compuesto por aquéllos que acuden a las exequias por obligaciones derivadas de los vínculos de consanguinidad y el ''grupo de caridad'', integrado por los que participan por solidaridad cristiana<ref>José Miguel de BARANDIARAN. ''Estelas funerarias del País Vasco''. San Sebastián, 1970, p. 35.</ref>. Para uno y otro grupo había ágapes distintos.
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En ambos casos estas refecciones se desarrollaban con un ceremonial acomodado a las prescripciones de un ritual, lo cual ha llevado a algunos autores a considerarlos como banquetes o ágapes fúnebres de remoto origen<ref>Bonifacio ECHEGARAY. “Significación jurídica de algunos ritos funerarios del País Vasco” in RIEV, XVI (1925) pp. 102 y ss. Barandiarán por su parte matiza que las refecciones o comidas funerarias “hoy no tienen el contenido místico de antaño”. Vide José Miguel de BARANDIARAN. ''Estelas funerarias del País Vasco''. San Sebastián, 1970, p. 29.</ref>.
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Pierre Lafitte describía en esta forma los ritos del ágape funerario que, a la muerte de su abuelo, presenció en la localidad suletina de Ithorrotze en el año 1911.
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:«Orhoit naiz ene aitatxi Ithorrotzen hil zenean, 'Serorateia' deitzen ginuen etxea- ren bisian-bis bide-kurutze bat baita, han gure auzo batek, gorputza elizarat orduko, lasto-azau bat erre zuela. Galdatu nion gero auzoari zertako egin zuen su hori eta ihar- detsi zautan: 'Suak bide hatza edekitzen dik, eta hire goxaitaren arima herra baledi, elikek gibelerateko bidearen atzamaiteko perilik'.
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:Bainan gogoan dut oraino okasione hor- tan berean hauteman nuen bertze ohidura bat. Ehortzetan gertatu jende guziak gomit ziren bazkariterat. Familiakoek elgartartean jan ginuen gaineko sala batean. Gainerati- koak 'borda' erraiten ginion ezkaratzean. Bazkal ondoan abisatu gintuzten beherean othoitzak hastera zoatzila eta jauts ginten nor gure basoarekin: basoan behar zen utzi ditaretara bat amo. Hamar urte nituen eta frango artegatua nintzen.
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:Gu bordan sartzean bazkaltiar guziak xu- titu ziren, bakotxa bere basoa eskuan, eta zerbitzariek mahainetarik kendu zituzten dafailak. Xantrea, Victor Coustau Erreto- raenekoa buruhastu zen, eta denek hustu zuten basoko arnoa mahain gainerat ixuriz, nik ere bertzek bezala. Orduan guziek eskuineko eskuerhi puntak bustitu zituzten arpo hortan ur benedikatua izan balitz bezala, eta zeinatu ziren.
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:Nik hain bitxi kausitu nuen jestu hori, nun irria eskapatu baitzitzaitan. Osabari gaitzitu zitzaion ene irri zozoa eta zarta bat eman zautan, harenganik ukan dudan bakarra, 1911-ko martxoaren 27-an.
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:Geroztik galdatu izan diot Victor Coustau zenari, zertako zen arno-ixurtze hori, eta ez diot bertze argitasunik jalgi ahal izan hau baizik: 'Gure zaharrek hala egiten ziteian'. Niri ez dautet burutik atherako latin paganoek 'libatio' deitzen zuten ohidura gelditu zitzaikula Ithorrotzen eta Olhaibin, bainan poxi bat girixtinotua, kurutzearen seinalearekin nahastekatua tenaz geroz»<ref>Pierre LAFITTE. “Atlantika-Pirene-etako sinheste zaharrak” in ''Gure Herria'', XXXVII (1965) pp. 101-102.</ref>.
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:(Recuerdo que cuando murió mi abuelo en Ithorrotze había un cruce de caminos frente a una casa que llamábamos ''Serorateia; ''allí un vecino nuestro quemó un montón de paja a la hora de conducir el cadáver a la iglesia. Más tarde pregunté al vecino para qué había hecho ese fuego y me contestó: «El fuego borra el rastro del camino, y si el alma de tu padrino anduviera errante de seguro que no encontraría el camino de vuelta».
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:Pero todavía guardo memoria de otra costumbre que conocí en esa misma ocasión. Todos los asistentes al entierro fueron invitados al banquete. Los familiares comimos juntos en una sala de la parte de arriba de la casa. Los demás comieron en la pieza de la casa que llamábamos ''borda. ''Después de la comida nos avisaron que abajo iban a iniciarse los rezos y bajamos cada uno con nuestro vaso: en cada vaso debíamos dejar el equivalente a un dedal de vino. Yo tenía diez años y estaba muy inquieto.
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:Al entrar nosotros en la ''borda, ''se pusieron en pie todos los comensales, cada uno con su vaso en la mano y las sirvientas retiraron los manteles de la mesa. El chantre Victor Coustau de la casa Erretoraenea se descubrió la cabeza y todos vaciaron el vino derramándolo sobre la mesa; yo también hice lo mismo que los demás. Después mojaron las yemas de los dedos de la mano derecha en ese vino como si se tratara de agua bendita y se santiguaron.
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:Me pareció tan raro ese gesto que se me escapó la risa. A mi tío no le cayó bien aquella risa mía inoportuna y me dió un sopapo, el único que recibí de él. Era el 27 de Marzo de 1911.
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:Más tarde llegué a preguntar al difunto Victor Coustau el porqué de aquel derrame del vino y no conseguí de él otra explicación que ésta: «Nuestros ancianos así lo hacían». Nadie podrá quitarme de la cabeza que aquella costumbre pagana que los romanos llamaban ''libatio ''ha continuado en Ithorrotze y Olhaibi, si bien un poco cristianizada ya que se le añadió el signo de la cruz).
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A lo largo del presente siglo, y sobre todo en su segunda mitad, se han operado sucesivas modificaciones en el modo de realizar el conjunto de los actos que componían las exequias como se ha consignado en los capítulos anteriores. Una de estas alteraciones ha sido precisamente la anulación del regreso del cortejo fúnebre a la casa de donde partió.
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En la mayoría de las localidades se constata que actualmente el cortejo fúnebre se disuelve en el mismo cementerio, una vez inhumado el cadáver. En otros casos, sobre todo en las villas y ciudades, los asistentes al funeral se dispersan tras dar el pésame a la familia en el atrio de la iglesia inmediatamente después de finalizar el funeral. Al acto de la inhumación en el cementerio asiste un grupo reducido de parientes y amigos.
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Nuestras encuestas han rescatado algunas tradiciones que permanecen en la mente y en el recuerdo de quienes las practicaron en otros tiempos. Pero a la vez constatan que aquel retorno formal del cortejo a la casa mortuoria ha dejado de practicarse y que los refrigerios y ágapes funerarios o bien se han suprimido o, en todo caso, se han convertido en un simple gesto obsequioso.
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[[File:7.195 Tras el entierro. Orexa 1977.png|frame|Tras el entierro. Orexa, 1977. Fuente: Iñaki Linazasoro, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.]]
The return of the funeral cortege or, at least, the family to the home of the deceased was part of the funeral rites overall.
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The “Beliefs and Funeral Rites” surveys conducted by Barandiarán and his associates in the first quarter of the 20th century reflected a society where the homestead and its household played a key role in the funeral rites and, in fact, those rites started and ended in the home of the deceased. That practice was found throughout the Basque Country.
=== [[Regreso_del_cortejo_a_la_casa_mortuoria|Regreso del cortejo a la casa mortuoria]] ===
=== [[Agapes_y_refrigerios_a_los_asistentes|Agapes y refrigerios a los asistentes]] ===
That was the case in Galarreta (A) in the 1920s where after the interment in the cemetery, “they return to the church and say responses at the burial site of the household of the deceased. Then the priest, accompanied by the sacristan (who carries the cross) and the members of the funeral cortege, then go to the home of the deceased, to say a response there as well; the priest then immediately returns to the church. The family members of the deceased invite the all the relatives, outlanders and one or two from each local house, to lunch, if the burial is in the morning, or to a teatime snack, if it is in the afternoon”<ref>BARANDIARAN, José Miguel de. “Creencias y ritos funerarios en Orozko, Ziortza (Zenarruza), Kortezubi, Otazu, Ataun, Arano, Ziga (Baztan), Otxagabia” in ''Anuario de Eusko Folklore''. Volume III. Vitoria: 1923, pp. 57 & 59.</ref>.
=== [[Obsequios_a_los_participantes_en_las_exequias|Obsequios a los participantes en las exequias]] ===
=== [[La_comida_de_entierro._Entierro-bazkaria|La comida de entierro. Entierro-bazkaria]] ===
In Ziga (Baztan-N), according to the same survey (1923), the relatives, ''barrides'' and people who had travelled from far, returned to the house of the deceased in a strict order of kinship. They were all offered a meal<ref>BARANDIARAN, José Miguel de. “Creencias y ritos funerarios en Orozko, Ziortza (Zenarruza), Kortezubi, Otazu, Ataun, Arano, Ziga (Baztan), Otxagabia” in ''Anuario de Eusko Folklore''. Volume III. Vitoria: 1923, p. 132. </ref>.
=== [[Apendice_Antiguas_restricciones_legales_sobre_banquetes_funebres|Apéndice: Antiguas restricciones legales sobre banquetes fúnebres]] ===
In Beasain (G), until the 1930s, the cortege returned to the home of the deceased in a row, led by the head of the family who wore a cape and a top hat. One of the people surveyed there had to lead his father’s funeral cortege when he was 10 years old, as he was the oldest male left in the household. He remembered that his mother held the hem of the cape so it did not drag on the ground and filled the hat with stuffing so that it did not fall too far down on his face. That cortege was made up of the members of the household, ''etxekoak'', and the relatives who had travelled from other towns, who were offered a funeral feast back at the house.
{{DISPLAYTITLE: XIX. REGRESO A LA CASA MORTUORIA Y AGAPES FUNERARIOS}} {{#bookTitle:Ritos Funerarios en Vasconia | Ritos_funerarios_en_vasconia}}
In Zeanuri (B), the oldest people recalled that up to seventy years ago, the people who had made up the family mourners at the burial returned from the church to the house of the deceased in two groups: the men wearing capes and hats, and the women with black veils. On the way back, once they had reached a certain point, the men would remove the heavy capes, particularly in summer. They all then took part in the funeral meal that was put on at the house.
An article published in the 1920s<ref>D. ESPAIN. “Des usages mortuaires en Soule” in ''Bulletin du Musée Basque'', VI, 1-2 (1929) p. 24.</ref> pointed out that after the interment in Zuberoa, all the guests would go to the house of the deceased where they would be offered refreshments. They would originally only have been offered bread and cheese with the homestead’s wine, but by the 1920s, there would have been a meal. At the end of the meal, the precentor or sacristan would say some prayers for the deceased and “for all the souls that had left the home”, which would mark the end of the ceremony.
The return of the cortege to the home of the deceased that was common until three or four decades took different forms throughout Euskal Herria. In general, it could be said that in places with a concentrated population and the homesteads formed a settlement close to the church —as is the case of Álava and of Mid-Navarre— all the participants in the funeral rites, presided by the parish church and accompanied by the priest, returned to the house from where the funeral cortege had left and then a prayer was said in front of the door and which marked the end of the obesquies<ref>The Constitutions of the Ánimas de Sangüesa (N) Brotherhood, drafted in 1798, echoed this practice when they laid down that the members should go to the house of the deceased to say the response after the funeral mass.</ref>.
The family of the deceased the offered the people at the door a snack of bread and wine, which was called ''la caridad'' in Álava. The funeral meal would then be served to the relatives of the deceased inside the house.
In the regions with a scattered population —the Northern Basque Country, Gipuzkoa, the Navarrese Mountains and Bizkaia—, the relatives who were part of the mourners would return in a cortege to the house of the deceased where the festival feast prepared for the occasion would be served. The other people at the funeral would be offered refreshments after the funeral in the church porch or nearby.
The end of the obsequies usually involved meals and feasts. It should be noted that those feasts are further proof that the people attending the burial and funeral were made up of two different groups: the ''honour group'', consisting of the people at the obsequies due to obligations arising from blood relationships, and the charity group, made up of those there due to Christian solidarity<ref>José Miguel de BARANDIARAN. ''Estelas funerarias del País Vasco. ''San Sebastián: 1970, p. 35.</ref>. There were different meals for each group.
In both cases, those meals were held with a ceremony in line with the requirements of a ritual, which has caused some authors to consider them as funeral meals or feasts dating back to ancient times<ref>Bonifacio ECHEGARAY. “Significación jurídica de algunos ritos funerarios del País Vasco”, in RJEV, XVI (1925) pp. 102. Barandiarán in turn stressed that the funeral meals or feasts “do not have the mystical content as in the past”. See ''Estelas funerarias del País Vasco''. San Sebastián: 1970, p. 29.</ref>.
{{DISPLAYTITLE: XIX. RETURNING TO THE HOUSE OF THE DECEASED AND FUNERAL MEAL}} {{#bookTitle:Funeral Rites in the Basque Country|Ritos_funerarios_en_vasconia/en}}

Revisión actual del 13:06 8 nov 2019

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The return of the funeral cortege or, at least, the family to the home of the deceased was part of the funeral rites overall.

The “Beliefs and Funeral Rites” surveys conducted by Barandiarán and his associates in the first quarter of the 20th century reflected a society where the homestead and its household played a key role in the funeral rites and, in fact, those rites started and ended in the home of the deceased. That practice was found throughout the Basque Country.

That was the case in Galarreta (A) in the 1920s where after the interment in the cemetery, “they return to the church and say responses at the burial site of the household of the deceased. Then the priest, accompanied by the sacristan (who carries the cross) and the members of the funeral cortege, then go to the home of the deceased, to say a response there as well; the priest then immediately returns to the church. The family members of the deceased invite the all the relatives, outlanders and one or two from each local house, to lunch, if the burial is in the morning, or to a teatime snack, if it is in the afternoon”[1].

In Ziga (Baztan-N), according to the same survey (1923), the relatives, barrides and people who had travelled from far, returned to the house of the deceased in a strict order of kinship. They were all offered a meal[2].

In Beasain (G), until the 1930s, the cortege returned to the home of the deceased in a row, led by the head of the family who wore a cape and a top hat. One of the people surveyed there had to lead his father’s funeral cortege when he was 10 years old, as he was the oldest male left in the household. He remembered that his mother held the hem of the cape so it did not drag on the ground and filled the hat with stuffing so that it did not fall too far down on his face. That cortege was made up of the members of the household, etxekoak, and the relatives who had travelled from other towns, who were offered a funeral feast back at the house.

In Zeanuri (B), the oldest people recalled that up to seventy years ago, the people who had made up the family mourners at the burial returned from the church to the house of the deceased in two groups: the men wearing capes and hats, and the women with black veils. On the way back, once they had reached a certain point, the men would remove the heavy capes, particularly in summer. They all then took part in the funeral meal that was put on at the house.

An article published in the 1920s[3] pointed out that after the interment in Zuberoa, all the guests would go to the house of the deceased where they would be offered refreshments. They would originally only have been offered bread and cheese with the homestead’s wine, but by the 1920s, there would have been a meal. At the end of the meal, the precentor or sacristan would say some prayers for the deceased and “for all the souls that had left the home”, which would mark the end of the ceremony.

The return of the cortege to the home of the deceased that was common until three or four decades took different forms throughout Euskal Herria. In general, it could be said that in places with a concentrated population and the homesteads formed a settlement close to the church —as is the case of Álava and of Mid-Navarre— all the participants in the funeral rites, presided by the parish church and accompanied by the priest, returned to the house from where the funeral cortege had left and then a prayer was said in front of the door and which marked the end of the obesquies[4].

The family of the deceased the offered the people at the door a snack of bread and wine, which was called la caridad in Álava. The funeral meal would then be served to the relatives of the deceased inside the house.

In the regions with a scattered population —the Northern Basque Country, Gipuzkoa, the Navarrese Mountains and Bizkaia—, the relatives who were part of the mourners would return in a cortege to the house of the deceased where the festival feast prepared for the occasion would be served. The other people at the funeral would be offered refreshments after the funeral in the church porch or nearby.

The end of the obsequies usually involved meals and feasts. It should be noted that those feasts are further proof that the people attending the burial and funeral were made up of two different groups: the honour group, consisting of the people at the obsequies due to obligations arising from blood relationships, and the charity group, made up of those there due to Christian solidarity[5]. There were different meals for each group.

In both cases, those meals were held with a ceremony in line with the requirements of a ritual, which has caused some authors to consider them as funeral meals or feasts dating back to ancient times[6].

  1. BARANDIARAN, José Miguel de. “Creencias y ritos funerarios en Orozko, Ziortza (Zenarruza), Kortezubi, Otazu, Ataun, Arano, Ziga (Baztan), Otxagabia” in Anuario de Eusko Folklore. Volume III. Vitoria: 1923, pp. 57 & 59.
  2. BARANDIARAN, José Miguel de. “Creencias y ritos funerarios en Orozko, Ziortza (Zenarruza), Kortezubi, Otazu, Ataun, Arano, Ziga (Baztan), Otxagabia” in Anuario de Eusko Folklore. Volume III. Vitoria: 1923, p. 132.
  3. D. ESPAIN. “Des usages mortuaires en Soule” in Bulletin du Musée Basque, VI, 1-2 (1929) p. 24.
  4. The Constitutions of the Ánimas de Sangüesa (N) Brotherhood, drafted in 1798, echoed this practice when they laid down that the members should go to the house of the deceased to say the response after the funeral mass.
  5. José Miguel de BARANDIARAN. Estelas funerarias del País Vasco. San Sebastián: 1970, p. 35.
  6. Bonifacio ECHEGARAY. “Significación jurídica de algunos ritos funerarios del País Vasco”, in RJEV, XVI (1925) pp. 102. Barandiarán in turn stressed that the funeral meals or feasts “do not have the mystical content as in the past”. See Estelas funerarias del País Vasco. San Sebastián: 1970, p. 29.