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Texto reemplazado: «<sup>th</sup> century» por «th century»
== Buying fertilisers. Ongarriak ==
Organic fertilizer was the most common and most valued one until the early 20<sup>th</sup> 20th century. On the one hand, there was the fertilizer produced by the draught animals – oxen and cows, donkeys, horses and mules – formed by mixing their excrement with straw and ferns. The fermentation process took place in the dunghills, either located in the barn or in the yard of the farmstead, or on the outskirts of the village, next to the threshing floors, above all, on the sides of paths or the edges of some fields, and in the field pens, frequently owned and distributed by the local council.
For some time now, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. bought on the market have been used as the result of the great drop in the number of domestic livestock and the near disappearance of barns and pens. There is a widespread awareness among farmers that even though they have been compelled to use those fertilizers, they serious pollute the earth.
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