

10 bytes añadidos, 10:33 16 jul 2019
Texto reemplazado: «House and Family in Vasconia» por «House and Family in the Basque Country»
Casa y familia en Vasconia (House and Family in Vasconiathe Basque Country) is the result of ethnographic research by the Etniker Euskalerria groups directed by Ander Manterola. The book is the seventh contribution to the Ethnographic Atlas designed and launched by José Miguel de Barandiaran. Previous publications are Food At Home (1990, republished 1999), Children’s Games (1993), Funeral Rites (1995), Rites: From Birth To Marriage (1998), Livestock and Grazing (2000) and Popular Medicine (2004).
The Ethnographic Atlas looks at people in Vasconia from the viewpoint of traditional culture as recorded throughout the 20th and the early years of the 21st century, and attempts to gauge the transformations affecting that culture.
Like the previous volumes, this book has an introduction explaining the project and methodology used, the data on the natural and human environment, geographical information about the places surveyed, references and thematic and analytical indexes.
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