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Página creada con «Subjects include the hearth as the centre of the house and family life, the kitchen and lighting systems. Other themes specifically dealt with include household goods, furn...»
The next six chapters deal with the structure of the house. The first describes models of houses in a representative number of districts in each region, the following three provide a detailed analysis of roofs, foundations and walls and doors and windows. The subsequent chapter deals with internal distribution, including house-plans, to end with interior ornaments and the like.
El hogar como centro de la casa y de la viviendaSubjects include the hearth as the centre of the house and family life, la cocina y los sistemas de alumbrado son objeto de tratamiento particularthe kitchen and lighting systems. Los enseresOther themes specifically dealt with include household goods, el equipo mobiliar y el ajuar de salafurniture and furnishings in living-rooms bedrooms and bathrooms, dormitorios y aseocleaning the house, y la limpieza de casa, ropa y vajilla son temas tratados específicamenteclothes and crockery. Un capítulo está dedicado a las construcciones complementarias de la casa y los espacios destinados a las labores agrícola-ganaderasOne chapter is devoted to additional outbuildings around the house and the areas set aside for agricultural and cattle work. Los ritos realizados en torno al fuego doméstico y los símbolos protectores de la casa son objeto de atención en sendos capítulos creencialesThe rites performed around the home fire and the house’s protective symbols are dealt with in separate chapters.
Los cinco apartados reservados a la familia describen a ésta y las relaciones de parentesco, el patrimonio y sus modos de transmisión, la vida y funciones de los esposos, y el honor familiar y la formas de defenderlo.
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