Historial de revisiones de «Proyecto etniker/en»

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Leyenda: (act) = diferencias con la versión actual, (ant) = diferencias con la versión anterior, m = edición menor.

  • (act | ant) 07:54 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2288 bytes) (+8). . (Página creada con «The resulting ethnographic studies have been disseminated in publications such as ''Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra, Anuario de Eusko Folklore, Ohitura, Bo...»)
  • (act | ant) 07:53 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2280 bytes) (-44). . (Página creada con «Barandiaran prepared a questionnaire, entitled a ''Guide for an Ethnographic Survey,'' for the Etniker project and which took into account the recommendations made in the E...»)
  • (act | ant) 07:53 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2324 bytes) (-17). . (Página creada con «The study area of the Atlas is what we call the Basque Country, divided into a part that falls within the Spanish State with two political authorities: the Autonomous Commu...»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2341 bytes) (-16). . (Página creada con «*During the territorial meetings, the different members analysed the data obtained to compare them and check that the approach was correct.»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2357 bytes) (-19). . (Página creada con «*The information gathered would go back as far as the memory of the people surveyed, no further than a couple of generations earlier. The changes and the situation at the t...»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2376 bytes) (-12). . (Página creada con «*Knowledge of the local language and its dialect would make it easier to approach the people interviewed and interpret the data gathered.»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2388 bytes) (-3). . (Página creada con «*All the researchers would follow the same methodology and questionnaire.»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2391 bytes) (+24). . (Página creada con «*The researcher would be linked to the location s/he studied either due to being a native of the place or having lived there for a long period, which would facilitate the r...»)
  • (act | ant) 07:52 9 sep 2019Admin (discusión | contribuciones). . (2367 bytes) (+2367). . (Página creada con «The Etniker project designed by José Miguel de Barandiaran first and foremost sought to be the systematic recording of the cultural facts that make up the life of a place;...»)