
Ritos funerarios en vasconia/en

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[[File:RITOS_FUNERARIOS_PORTADA.jpg|center|650px|Segizioa elizan sartzen, 1965. Zerain (G). Fuente: Karmele Goñi.]]
_LABAYRU_LANDING_{{DISPLAYTITLE: Funeral Rites in the Basque Country}} {{#bookTitle:Funeral Rites in the Basque Country | Ritos_funerarios_en_vasconia/en}}
===[ritos|Funeral Rites in the Basque Country|/atlas/ritos.png|La muerte en el ámbito doméstico y vecinalCultural issues surrounding death as a rite of passage, desde los presagios de muerte y la agonía hasta las celebraciones de carácter religioso posteriores al fallecimientoincluding death omens, death throes and ritual practices after death.]===
====[Ritos_funerarios_en_vasconia | Funeral Rites in the Basque Country]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Camino-al-cementerio-1950-Izurdiaga.jpg|On the way to the cemetery, c. 1950. Izurdiaga (N). Source: Carmen Jusué, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Dying on a rainy day or if it rained after the death showed that the soul would be saved: ''gorputz ona, euritsu''.|]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Amortajamiento-con-traje-festivo-Amezketa-1959.jpg|Shroud in a suit. Amezketa (G), 1959. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|A small group of neighbours would watch over the corpse in turns during the night and make sure that the light burning next to it did not go out.|]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Portadores-del-feretro-jasotzaileak-Amezketa.jpg|Coffin bearers. Amezketa (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Death was an event that usually occurred in the neighbourhood, a fact that meant the home of the deceased played a leading role.|]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Adornando-las-sepulturas-para-el-dia-de-Todos-los-Santos-Bilbao-1990.jpg|Caring for the graves on the occasion of All Saints’ Day. Bilbao (B), 1990. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.|Omens of death included those associated with strange behaviour by some domestic animals, mainly dogs and cockerels.||]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Santa-Grazi.jpg|Santa-Grazi (Z). Source: Boissel, W. Le Pays Basque. Sites, Arts et Coutumes. Paris, A. Calavas edit.|Cuando el cárabo canta, la muerte levanta. <br />''When the tawny owl hoots, death wakes up.''||]====
====[/atlas/ritos/AdornandoSepulturas-lasen-sepulturasla-para-el-dianave-de-Todos-losla-Santosiglesia-BilbaoAmezketa-1990.jpg|Caring for the Symbolic graves on the occasion of All Saints’ Dayin church. Bilbao Amezketa (BG), 1990. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García MuñozAntxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Omens Each homestead used to have a burial site inside the church’s nave. When burials were transferred to cemeteries, the once real burial site in church became a symbolic family grave, were offerings of death included those associated with strange behaviour by some domestic animals, mainly dogs light and cockerelsbread were made to their dead.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/SantaToque-Grazide-campana-anunciando-la-muerte-Beasain.jpg|Santa-Grazi Death knell. Beasain (ZG). Source: BoisselJosé Zufiaurre, W. Le Pays Basque. Sites, Arts et Coutumes. Paris, A. Calavas editEtniker Euskalerria Groups.|Cuando el cárabo canta, la muerte levanta. <br />''When Tolling the bell was a very effective way of announcing the tawny owl hoots, death wakes upin rural settlements.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/SepulturasCortejo-enfunebre-la-nave-de-la-iglesia-Amezketa-19901925.jpg|Symbolic graves in churchFuneral cortège, c. Amezketa (G), 19901925. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Each homestead used There were specific paths to have a burial site inside carry the corpse from the house of the church’s nave. When burials were transferred deceased to cemeteries, the once real burial site in church became a symbolic family grave, were offerings of light and bread were made to their deadthe cemetery.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/ToqueMujeres-decon-campanaofrendas-anunciandoOtxagabia-la-muerte-Beasain1920.jpg|Death knellOffering bearers. Beasain Otsagabia (GN), c. 1920. Source: José Zufiaurre, Etniker Euskalerria GroupsFco. Javier Zubiaur and M.ª Amor Beguiristain’s private archive: Roldán and Calle Photographic Studios.|Tolling The members of the bell was a very effective way funeral cortege, relatives of announcing the death in rural settlementsdeceased and neighbours alike, would usually carry offerings of bread and light.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/CortejoOfrenda-funebrede-1925luces-Amezketa.jpg|Funeral cortège, cLight offerings. 1925Amezketa (G). Source: Antxon AguirreGarmendia Larrañaga, Juan. Neguko Festak. Donostia, 1993, Etniker Euskalerria GroupsJ. Juanes Photographic Archive.|There were specific paths to carry Light offerings would light up the corpse from way for the house soul of the deceased to the church and the cemetery. And bread would sustain it.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/MujeresDuelo-confemenino-ofrendas-Otxagabia-1920Sara.jpg|Offering bearersMourners. Otsagabia Sara (NL), c. 1920. Source: FcoVeyrin, Philippe. Javier Zubiaur and MPays Basques de France et d’Espagne.ª Amor Beguiristain’s private archive: Roldán and Calle Photographic StudiosParis-Grenoble, 1951.|The members of the funeral cortege, relatives of the deceased and neighbours alike, would usually carry offerings of bread and lightSorrow was expressed by wearing mourning.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/OfrendaAnuncio-de-lucesla-Amezketamuerte-a-las-abejas.jpg|Ofrenda de lucesTelling the bees. Amezketa (G)Source: ''Gure Herria''. Fuente: Garmendia Larrañaga|Erletxuak, erletxuak, Juan. Neguko Festak. Donostia<br />egizute argizaria, 1993<br />nagusia hil da-ta, Foto J. Juanes.|Con las luces que se ofrendaban se alumbraba al alma del difunto. Y los panes le servían de alimento<br />behar da elizan argia.<br /><br />''Ritual formula to inform the bees of their keeper’s death''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/DueloAmortajamiento-femeninode-un-nino-SaraDurango.jpg|Duelo femeninoInfant shroud. Sara Durango (LB). FuenteSource: Gerediaga Association Archive: Veyrin, PhilippeGermán Photographic Studio. Pays Basques de France et d’Espagne|Jaiotzetik heriotza zor. Paris-Grenoble<br />''When you begin to live, 1951.|La manifestación de duelo más evidente era el luto en la ropayou being to die.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/AnuncioPipaon-de-la-muerte-a-las-abejas1990.jpg|Anuncio de la muerte a las abejasPipaón (A), 1990. FuenteSource: Gure HerriaPilar Alonso, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Erletxuak, erletxuak, egizute argizaria, nagusia hil da-ta, behar da elizan argiaHildakoari hobia eta biziari ogia. <br />''The dead to the grave and the living to the roll. Fórmula ritual para la comunicación de la muerte a las abejas''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/AmortajamientoHilarriak-de-un-nino-DurangoIrulegi.jpg|Amortajamiento de un niñoFunerary stelae. Durango Irulegi (BNB). FuenteSource: Archivo Asociación Gerediaga: Foto GermánMichel Duvert, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Jaiotzetik heriotza zorOilarrak gauez kukurruku jotzen badu, laster izango da gorpuren bat etxe hartan. Cuando empezaste a vivir<br />''A cockerel crowing at sunset, empezaste a morirdeath is looming.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Pipaon-1990.jpg|Pipaón (A), 1990. Fuente: Pilar Alonso, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Hildakoari hobia eta biziari ogia. El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/ritos/Hilarriak-Irulegi.jpg|Estelas funerarias. Irulegi (NB). Fuente: Michel Duvert, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Oilarrak gauez kukurruku jotzen badu, laster izango da gorpuren bat etxe hartan. Gallo que canta al sol puesto, señal de muerto.||ENLACErelated]====
{{DISPLAYTITLE: ===Outstanding contents=======[/images/thumb/8/89/7.86_Salida_de_la_casa_mortuoria._Bera_(N)_1995.jpg/1200px-7.86_Salida_de_la_casa_mortuoria._Bera_(N)_1995.jpg|Funeral Rites in the Basque Country|Omens of death|[[PRESAGIOS_DE_MUERTE._HERIOTZAREN_ZANTZUAK/en]]]========[/images/thumb/a/ad/7.33_La_muerte_del_justo._Litografia_belga_del_s._XIX_procedente_de_un_caserio_de_Ibarruri_(B).jpg/1200px-7.33_La_muerte_del_justo._Litografia_belga_del_s._XIX_procedente_de_un_caserio_de_Ibarruri_(B).jpg|Funeral Rites in the Basque Country|Beliefs about the soul’s destiny|[[CREENCIAS_SOBRE_EL_DESTINO_DEL_ALMA/en]]]========[/images/thumb/a/a5/7.84_Conduccion_del_cadaver_por_el_camino_mortuorio_gorpuzbidea._Orexa_(G)._(Representacion).jpg/1200px-7.84_Conduccion_del_cadaver_por_el_camino_mortuorio_gorpuzbidea._Orexa_(G)._(Representacion).jpg|Funeral Rites in the Basque Country}} {{#bookTitle:|Corpse ways|[[CAMINOS_MORTUORIOS._HILBIDEAK/en]]]========[/images/thumb/b/bf/7.259_Antiguo_cementerio_de_Jatsu_(L).jpg/1068px-7.259_Antiguo_cementerio_de_Jatsu_(L).jpg|Funeral Rites in the Basque Country | Ritos_funerarios_en_vasconiaApparitions and wandering spirits|[[APARECIDOS_Y_ANIMAS_ERRANTES._ARIMA_HERRATUAK/en}}]]]====
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