
Página creada con «=== The current situation ===»
The rural landscape changed substantially over two or three decades. The rural society disappeared or changed that our ancestors – the generation born in the first half of the 20th century – had known and practiced. Those country-folk grew up, married and formed a family that was essential to keep up traditional ways. However, the children of that generation witnessed the disappearance of the livestock, the arrival of the sophisticated tractors and machines and the turning away from the traditional practices inherited from know-how accumulated down through the centuries. And if that were not enough, the framers who had come through that transformation and who had reached an age that they wanted to pass on their holding, found that their children did not want to continue with farm-work as their ways of life and jobs were in the city, even when they had not yet moved there, and they were also not willing to embark on such hard and uncertain work.
=== La situación actual The current situation ===
En los últimos tiempos ha surgido una nueva situación desconocida en tiempos pasados, que es la aportación a la renta del agricultor de ayudas y subvenciones. Hoy en día los ingresos de los agricultores no se sostienen solo por el precio de venta de sus cosechas sino por las subvenciones económicas de las administraciones públicas, sin las cuales muchas explotaciones agrícolas serían deficitarias.
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