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Al igual que ha sucedido en otros aspectos de la vida, la transformación operada en la indumentaria pastoril durante las últimas décadas se debe a la introducción de nuevos materiales para la confección de la ropa y del calzado y a los procesos de fabricación industrial.<div style="margin-left:0cm;"></div>
El pastor no se ha diferenciado mucho en su modo de vestir del agricultor, pero su prolongada permanencia a la intemperie le ha obligado a usar prendas especiales de protección o de abrigo. Entre ellas están los ''espalderos ''y ''delanteros ''hechos con piel de oveja o cabra<div style="margin-left:0cm; el ''kapusai ''o ''txartesa''<ref">Manuel de LARRAMENDI en su ''Corografía de Guipúzcoa ''escrita a finales del siglo XVIII señala que «hombres y mujeres en las caserías conservan los ''capisayos ''y ''charteses ''con capillas, mangas anchas y cortas, de que usan en el monte en tiempos lluviosos y cuando cogen argoma y cortan espinas y zarzas y otros trabajos. Pero estos capisayos se han desterrado aún de la gente común de los pueblos, y nunca se han estilado entre mujeres». Vide ''Corografía o descripción general de la Muy Noble y Muy Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa. ''Barcelona, 1882, p. 180.</refdiv>, capa confeccionada con tela de lana; la ''hongarina ''especie de abrigo de paño burdo con capucha; el ''tapabocas ''o manta de campo; los pantalones enfundados en ''mantarrak'', ''peales ''o ''piales''; las abarcas fabricadas con piel de ganado vacuno cuyos cordones se cruzaban en las pantorrillas sobre los peales atándolos bajo las rodillas.
A la indumentaria del pastor han pertenecido también el zurrón hecho con piel de oveja y el cayado de avellano.<div style="margin-left:0cm;"></div>
Según Caro Baroja el pastor vasco solía llevar un traje tradicional de origen antiquísimo compuesto de las prendas que siguen<div style="margin-left: ''kapusai, ''de tejido pardo, ''marraga'', de pelo de cabra, o la prenda equivalente llamada ''xartex, ''más bien grisácea0cm; zurrón (''zorro), ''de cuero de cabra; ''kurkubita, ''calabaza en que transportaba la leche o el agua. Cubría sus piernas con medias que él mismo fabricaba (así como las ligas), o con tiras de lana y el calzado usual que tanto para pastores como para labradores eran las abarcas, ''abarkak, ''en las que cabe registrar alguna diferencia con respecto a las de otras zonas de la península<ref">Julio CARO BAROJA. ''Los vascos''. San Sebastián, 1949, p. 230.</refdiv>.
Siguiendo los datos obtenidos en las localidades encuestadas describiremos la vigencia__TOC__Up until the early 20th century, some regions of the Basque Country were very self-sufficient and the people used the material obtained from their livelihood to make their garments and footwear. The shepherds cured the skins of their livestock to make warm clothing or shoes for their feet; they also used wool from their sheep to weave certain garments.  It should first be noted the difference in the way of dressing of the shepherds of the wet regions of the Basque Country (Gorbea, Aizkorri, Entzia, Aralar, Urbasa) from those who worked in the Toloño mountains (A), in the Sierra de Codés range (A-N) or in the Salazar and Roncal valleys (N), whose livestock are brought down in the transhumance to the Ebro and whose traditional garments are more similar to the shepherds of the Alto Aragón or the Béarn. In the same way as has happened in other aspects of life, the changes to the shepherd’s apparel during recent decades has been due to the introduction of new materials to make clothes and footwear and to the mass production processes. Shepherds dressed in a very similar way to the farmer, but they had to use special warm or protective garments as they spent so much time out in bad weather. These included the ''gilets'' and ''aprons'' made out of sheep or goat skin; the ''kapusai'' or ''txartesa''<ref>Manuel de LARRAMENDI in his ''Corografía de Guipúzcoa ''written at the end of the 18th century pointed out that “men and women on the farmsteads still have ''capisayos ''and ''charteses ''with hoods, short and wide sleeves, which they use on the mountains when it is raining and when they collect spiny broom and clear thorns and briers, along with other tasks. But those ''capisayos'' are no longer worn by the normal villagers and have been popular with women”. Vide ''Corografía o descripción general de la transición Muy Noble y las peculiaridades que ofrecen las prendas que caracterizaron la indumentaria tradicional del pastorMuy Leal Provincia de Guipuzcoa. ''Barcelona: 1882, p. 180.</ref>'', a cape made out of woollen fabric; the ''hongarina ''that was a type of coat made out of coarse cloth with a hood; the ''tapabocas'' or field blanket; trousers sheathed in ''mantarrak'', ''peales'' or ''piales''; the sandals made out of cowskin whose laces were crisscrossed by the calves and tied under the knees. The shepherd’s apparel also included the sheepskin bag and the hazel crookAccording to Caro Baroja, the Basque shepherd usually wore an age-old traditional outfit made up of the following garments: ''kapusai,'' made out of brown fabric, a goatskin ''marraga ''or equivalent garment known as the ''xartex'', which was usually grey in colour; a goatskin bag (''zorro''), and the ''kurkubita, ''the gourd in which the milk or water was carried. He covered his legs with tights that he made himself (along with garters) or with strips of wool and sandals, ''abarkak'', were the usual footwear for farmers and labourers, which were slightly different to those used in others areas of Spain<div class="subindice"ref>Julio CARO BAROJA. ''Los vascos''. San Sebastián: 1949, p. 230.</ref>.Apartados:==The shepherd's apparel today = [[Prendas_de_abrigo_tradicionales|Prendas = Nowadays, as has been shown in our surveys, shepherds dress in a similar way throughout the Basque Country. The older ones continue to use dark blue trousers or overalls, a plaid shirt made out of cotton or another type of fabric; they wear a wool jumper or jacket over it when the weather so required. Blue breeches continue to be used, but blue overalls with an up-down zip have gradually been introduced. The overalls are used both in winter and in summer. Some shepherds in Aoiz (N) explained that the overalls keep their clothes clean as well as keeping them warm. Shepherds in Álava still wear corduroy trousers (Agurain, Sierra de abrigo tradicionales]] ===Badaia, Moreda, Pipaón, Ribera Alta, Urkabustaiz, Valdegovía), but young people prefer to use jeans. They use jackets, coats, sheepskin jackets, anoraks, cagoules or raincoats to protect themselves from the cold and rain. Shepherds are increasingly using mountaineering footwear and boots to keep warm and dry.  And by the ends of the 1950s, sandals began to fall out of fashion as people started to wear canvas shoes, known as ''espartinak ''(Ultzama-N). Shepherds began to use them when the weather was dry. Up until the 1960s, shepherds also wore leather boots with studs, which were popularly known as ''borceguíes''; in Sangüesa (N) ''borceguines''; in Aria (N) ''borzaiak''; in Gorbea-Zeanuri and Orozko (B) and Larraun (N) ''bortzegiak''. === [[Calzados_tradicionales|Calzados tradicionales]] ===Boots with rubber shoes and brown corduroy leggings called ''chirucas'' were worn.=== [[Indumentaria_actual_del_pastor|Indumentaria actual del pastor]] ====== [[Utiles_y_armas_del_pastor|Útiles y armas del pastor]] === Young shepherds now use trainers and hiking boots. They also use ''katiuskas'', wellington boots up to the knee or halfway up the calf. They are waterproof and protect against the rain, mud and manure and are therefore always worn when cleaning out the pens.</div><br/>{{DISPLAYTITLE: XVI. INDUMENTARIA DEL PASTORSHEPHERD'S APPAREL}} {{#bookTitle:Ganadería y Pastoreo en VasconiaLivestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country |Ganaderia_y_pastoreo_en_vasconia/en}}&nbsp;
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