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Revisión actual del 08:39 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos funerarios en vasconia)
El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en 85 localidades distribuidas por Alava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Basse-Navarre, Labourd y Soule. La selección de las poblaciones encuestadas se ha hecho atendiendo la diversidad regional del territorio objeto de estudio así como a la de las zonas (rural, urbana ''y ''costera) donde se ha efectuado. El cuestionario etnográfico utilizado figura en la ''Guía para una encuesta etnográfica ''(Cap. II. Usos del Grupo Doméstico) de D. José Miguel de Barandiarán ''y ''específicamente en las preguntas que hacen referencia al rito de pasaje de la muerte (cuestiones 11.238 a 11.272).
TraducciónSurveys and field work were carried out in 85 separate towns throughout the provinces of Alava, Biscay, Guipiizcoa, Navarre, Basse-Navarre, Labourd and Soule. The criteria used in selecting towns included the regional diversity of the territory being researched, and of the rural, urban and costal areas where the survey was conducted. The ethnographical questionnaire that was used can be found in the ''Guia Para una encuesta etnografica ''(Guide for an Ethnographical Survey, Chapter II, Household Group Uses), and specifically, use is made of questions that relate to funeral rites (Questions I1.238 to 11.272).

Surveys and field work were carried out in 85 separate towns throughout the provinces of Alava, Biscay, Guipiizcoa, Navarre, Basse-Navarre, Labourd and Soule. The criteria used in selecting towns included the regional diversity of the territory being researched, and of the rural, urban and costal areas where the survey was conducted. The ethnographical questionnaire that was used can be found in the Guia Para una encuesta etnografica (Guide for an Ethnographical Survey, Chapter II, Household Group Uses), and specifically, use is made of questions that relate to funeral rites (Questions I1.238 to 11.272).