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Página creada con «== Christian care ==»
Dying has led to customs that highlight the public status around the death. In principle, this is where the nun sacristan, ''andere serora,'' a key person of the traditions alongside the ecclesiastical ritual, came into play. She was in charge of tolling the church bells and that message had a double meaning, to: 1) notify the community of the living (including the animals and nature that marked the passing, “they were idling”); 2) help the dying “comforting them”, “helping them to leave”. The dying person thus knew that, during that time, he was the centre of all the attention and care and that the prayers were being offered up for him. Nobody died alone or abandoned.
== Asistencia cristiana Christian care ==
Bajo esta perspectiva no hay nada original, el viático y la extremaunción son prácticas definidas por la Iglesia. Ambas inauguran para el moribundo el tiempo en que se fundirá con el cuerpo místico de Cristo, esta solidaridad ininterrumpida que abarca toda la eternidad y se reactiva continuamente mediante el culto de los ancestros.
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