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Proyecto etniker/en

8 bytes añadidos, 07:54 9 sep 2019
Página creada con «The resulting ethnographic studies have been disseminated in publications such as ''Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra, Anuario de Eusko Folklore, Ohitura, Bo...»
Barandiaran prepared a questionnaire, entitled a ''Guide for an Ethnographic Survey,'' for the Etniker project and which took into account the recommendations made in the European ethnology forums. That questionnaire has b een used by all the members of the Etniker Group to conduct the different research campaigns of the Atlas. It consisted of 840 questions arranged in themes.
Los trabajos etnográficos resultantes han ido viendo la luz en publicaciones como The resulting ethnographic studies have been disseminated in publications such as ''Cuadernos de Etnología y Etnografía de Navarra, Anuario de Eusko Folklore, Ohitura, Boletín Etniker-Bizkaia y '' and ''Boletín del Museo Vasco de Baiona''.{{DISPLAYTITLE: Proyecto EtnikerProject}}
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