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Translations:Agricultura en vasconia/7/en

200 bytes añadidos, 11:33 20 ene 2020
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<div align="center">La agricultura tradicional como modo de vida, estrechamente relacionado con la ganadería, y las transformaciones que ha experimentado.<br/><br/><br/></div>
[[File:AGRICULTURA_PORTADA.jpg|center|650px|Vecinos trabajando en las eras. Alegría-Dulantzi (A), c. 1940. Fuente: Archivo Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Foto Enrique Guinea.]]
===[agricultura|Agriculture in the Basque Country|/atlas/agricultura.png|
Traditional agriculture as a way of lifeLa agricultura tradicional como modo de vida, closely related to livestockestrechamente relacionado con la ganadería, and the transformations it has undergoney las transformaciones que ha experimentado.]===
====[ Agricultura_en_vasconia | Agriculture in the Basque Country]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Andreak-asto-gainean-astotzarekin.jpg|Milk-women. Source: Ecclesiastical Historical Archive of Bizkaia: Sanctuary of Urkiola Collection.|Our rural folk and our ancestors knew and practised agriculture on a more human scale and from a more holistic approach; it is not only the yield that matters, but also the complex network of physical factors and human beings involved in an activity that is actually based on cultivating the life that feeds us.||ENLACE]====
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