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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión del 07:29 12 jul 2018

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Mensaje original (Resumen Agricultura en vasconia)
''Agricultura en Vasconia ''es el resultado de la investigación etnográfica llevada a cabo por los Grupos Etniker Euskalerria bajo la dirección de Ander Manterola. Este tomo constituye la octava aportación al ''Atlas Etnográfico ''diseñado e iniciado por D. José Miguel de Barandiaran del que se llevan publicados los volúmenes: ''La alimentación doméstica ''(1990), ''Juegos infantiles ''(1993), ''Ritos funerarios ''(1995), ''Ritos del nacimiento al matrimonio ''(1998), ''Ganadería y pastoreo ''(2000), ''Medicina popular ''(2004) y ''Casa y Familia ''(2011).
Traducción''Agriculture in the Basque Country ''is the outcome of the ethnographical research conducted by the Etniker Euskalerria Groups led by Ander Manterola. This volume is the eighth contribution to the ''Ethnographic Atlas ''designed and launched by José Miguel de Barandiaran. Previous publications include ''Food at Home ''(1990), ''Children’s Games ''(1993), ''Funeral Rites ''(1995), ''Rites: From Birth to Ma rriage ''(1998), ''Livestock and Grazing ''(2000), ''Popular Medicine ''(2004) and ''Home and Family ''(2011).

Agriculture in the Basque Country is the outcome of the ethnographical research conducted by the Etniker Euskalerria Groups led by Ander Manterola. This volume is the eighth contribution to the Ethnographic Atlas designed and launched by José Miguel de Barandiaran. Previous publications include Food at Home (1990), Children’s Games (1993), Funeral Rites (1995), Rites: From Birth to Ma rriage (1998), Livestock and Grazing (2000), Popular Medicine (2004) and Home and Family (2011).