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Revisión del 07:29 12 jul 2018

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Mensaje original (Resumen Agricultura en vasconia)
Este volumen está estructurado en 20 capítulos, de los que el primero contiene unas consideraciones generales sobre la agricultura. El segundo ofrece una visión de conjunto de los distintos paisajes agrarios y el tercero, las distintas clases de tierras con que cuentan para los cultivos. Más adelante se abordan los periodos de cultivo, la influencia atribuida a la luna, la distribución de los cultivos en los distintos tipos de heredades, la rotación de los mismos, el calendario agrícola, lo relativo a las semillas, la roturación de la tierra y su preparación con un apartado dedicado a los abonos orgánicos y los fertilizantes químicos. Un capítulo trata de la diversidad de cultivos, la siembra o plantación de las distintas especies vegetales, diferenciando los destinados a la alimentación humana, ganadera y los cultivos industriales. Se analizan los cuidados a los que son sometidos para garantizar su correcto crecimiento. En un capítulo posterior se abordan la recolección y los métodos tradicionales de conservación.
TraducciónThis volume has 20 chapters, the first of which provides an overview of agriculture. The second discusses the different agricultural landscapes and the third delves into the different types of soils to be found there to grow the corps. The book then goes on to cover the growing periods, the influence attributed to the moon, crop distribution on the different types of holdings, crop rotation, the agricultural calendar, seeds, rotating the land and its preparation, with a section on organic compost and chemical fertilizers. One chapter considers crop diversity, sowing or planting the di fferent plant species, differentiating between those to be used as human food, animal fed and industrial crops. The care applied to ensure that the crops all grow successfully is analysed as well. A subsequent chapter addresses the harvesting of the crops and the traditional storage methods.

This volume has 20 chapters, the first of which provides an overview of agriculture. The second discusses the different agricultural landscapes and the third delves into the different types of soils to be found there to grow the corps. The book then goes on to cover the growing periods, the influence attributed to the moon, crop distribution on the different types of holdings, crop rotation, the agricultural calendar, seeds, rotating the land and its preparation, with a section on organic compost and chemical fertilizers. One chapter considers crop diversity, sowing or planting the di fferent plant species, differentiating between those to be used as human food, animal fed and industrial crops. The care applied to ensure that the crops all grow successfully is analysed as well. A subsequent chapter addresses the harvesting of the crops and the traditional storage methods.