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Revisión del 15:25 6 feb 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Medicina popular en vasconia)
La publicación se abre con los capítulos dedicados a explicar la forma en que la mentalidad popular ha entendido el cuerpo y su entorno; los síntomas y remedios generales aplicados a las enfermedades tales que la fiebre como indicadora de que algo no marcha bien en el organismo, la transpiración, y las friegas como primer remedio para dolores articulares, musculares y enfermedades respiratorias. El curanderismo, medicina alternativa a la alopática, a la que se recurre sobre todo cuando hay problemas de fracturas y luxaciones, y las medicinas que se guardan en casa.
Traducción''Popular Medicine in Vasconia''’s opening chapters explain the way people understood the body and its environment and the symptoms and the general remedies applied when high temperatures and fever indicated that something was wrong. Also dealt with are transpiration and massages as the initial remedy for aching joints and muscles and respiratory problems. Space is also given to folk medicine, alternative medicines to allopathy, resorted to above all in fractures and dislocations, and the medicines kept at home.

Popular Medicine in Vasconia’s opening chapters explain the way people understood the body and its environment and the symptoms and the general remedies applied when high temperatures and fever indicated that something was wrong. Also dealt with are transpiration and massages as the initial remedy for aching joints and muscles and respiratory problems. Space is also given to folk medicine, alternative medicines to allopathy, resorted to above all in fractures and dislocations, and the medicines kept at home.