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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión del 15:25 6 feb 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Medicina popular en vasconia)
Los cuatro primeros capítulos del corpus están dedicados, respectivamente, a los males de cabeza, dientes, ojos y oídos. Tres gruesos capítulos se ocupan de los problemas de la piel, que es sin duda la parte de la medicina popular de la que más remedios se conocen. El primero de ellos trata de las lesiones e irritaciones, el siguiente de las infecciones y enfermedades contagiosas y el último de las marcas de la piel, el pelo, las uñas.
TraducciónHead, teeth, eyes and ears and the problems affecting them figure in the first four chapters of the work. Three long chapters deal with disorders of the skin, which undoubtedly has the most known remedies of any branch of popular medicine. The first of these deals with lesions and irritations, the second with infections and contagious diseases and the last with skin marks and blemishes, the hair and nails.

Head, teeth, eyes and ears and the problems affecting them figure in the first four chapters of the work. Three long chapters deal with disorders of the skin, which undoubtedly has the most known remedies of any branch of popular medicine. The first of these deals with lesions and irritations, the second with infections and contagious diseases and the last with skin marks and blemishes, the hair and nails.