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Special mention has to be made of the lullabies, ''lo-kantak'', to which the mother cradles her small child. Those appear at the end of the section, all of which covers the games and songs for early childhood.
== The first games. hasierako Hasierako jokoak ==
=== Peek-A-Boo. Kukuka ===
The same game is played with babies with the adult hiding their face with their hands or with a handkerchief while saying "coo-coo”. The child then repeats the gesture by imitating what it has seen or the child’s face is covered gently with a hand or cloth saying “coo-coo”. These versions of the game called “''Kukuka”'' in Basque are played in all the locations surveyed.
== Finger/toe games. eriñoekin Eriñoekin ==
The games described in this section are based on how the adult plays with the child’s fingers and toes, by calling them special names, allocating tasks to each of them and teaching the child to learn to remove its thumb at the end of the song.
== Hand games. eskutxoekin Eskutxoekin ==
Different songs and ditties accompany the first movements that the adults make with the child's hands so that it learns to move and turn them, distinguish one from another or tap its head with them.
== Clapping games. txalotxoak Txalotxoak egiteko ==
Clapping, ''txalotxoak egin'', is one of the first skills that children learn. The adult therefore claps their hands in front of the child who copies them or claps their hands holding the child’s hands while singing different ditties. Sometimes the clapping is alternated so the child taps its cheeks or those of the person who is singing.
The rocking and cradling movements with small children make them very happy and content. The adults looking after the children use those games both to calm the children down and to entertain and delight them. Therefore, they rock or swing them in their arms, place the children on their knees or also on their legs. In the last case, the adult sits down and crosses their legs and then places the child on the upper part, ''orkatilla'', which is in the air; then holds the child by the hands to stop it falling and rocks the child to the rhythm of the song.
== Trotting games. arreArre-arreka ==
In the area surveyed, the most common songs to accompany the trotting games are " Arre borriquito” [Giddy up little donkey”] and its version in Basque “''Arre, arre mandako''”. Both lyrics refer to riding a donkey and the adult imitates the movement for the child. Different forms of this game can be seen.
Another way of playing is when the adult kneels down with their hands on the floor; the child gets on the adult’s back and is carried about while they sing "Arre, Arre..:” (Giddy up).
== Lullabies. loLo-kantak ==
Lullabies, ''lo-kantak'', are extensively recorded in the existing bibliography. The most important compilers both in Basque and Spanish in the Basque Country include authors of the ilk of Azkue, the F. Donostia, Lekuona, Julen Yurre, Arellano and López de Guereñu.
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