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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión del 06:59 11 feb 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos del nacimiento al matrimonio en vasconia)
El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en sesenta y seis localidades distribuidas por Alava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Navarra, Basse-Navarre, Labourd y Soule. Para la selección de las poblaciones encuestadas se ha atendido a la diversidad regional del territorio objeto de estudio así como a la de las zonas (rural, urbana y costera) donde se ha efectuado. El cuestionario etnográfico utilizado figura en la ''Guía para una encuesta etnográfica ''(Cap. II. Usos del Grupo Doméstico) publicada por Barandiarán el año 1974 y específicamente en las preguntas que hacen referencia a los ritos de pasaje de nacimiento y bautismo; infancia y juventud; noviazgo, matrimonio y boda (cuestiones II.174 a II.237).
TraducciónField work was carried out in sixty-six towns spread throughout Alava, Biscay, Gipuzkoa, Navarre, Basse-Navarre, Labourd and Soule. The factors taken into account in selecting towns for the survey included the regional diversity of the territory being studied and of the rural, urban and coastal areas where the survey was carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used can be found in the ''Guía Para una encuesta etnográfica ''(Guide for an Ethnographic Survey. Chapter II. Household Group Uses) published by Barandiarán in 1974, and more specifically in the questions on rites of passage for birth and baptism; childhood and youth; courtship, marriage and weddings (questions 1I.174 to 11.237).

Field work was carried out in sixty-six towns spread throughout Alava, Biscay, Gipuzkoa, Navarre, Basse-Navarre, Labourd and Soule. The factors taken into account in selecting towns for the survey included the regional diversity of the territory being studied and of the rural, urban and coastal areas where the survey was carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used can be found in the Guía Para una encuesta etnográfica (Guide for an Ethnographic Survey. Chapter II. Household Group Uses) published by Barandiarán in 1974, and more specifically in the questions on rites of passage for birth and baptism; childhood and youth; courtship, marriage and weddings (questions 1I.174 to 11.237).