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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión del 07:08 11 feb 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos funerarios en vasconia)
''Ritos funerarios en Vasconia ''es un trabajo de investigación etnográfica realizado por los Grupos Etniker Euskalerria y forma parte del Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia diseñado por D. José Miguel de Barandiarán. Este volumen que corresponde al Tomo X del conjunto del Atlas, es el tercero de los editados. Los dos anteriores, referentes a ''Alimentación Doméstica en Vasconia y Juegos Infantiles en Vasconia ''fueron publicados en 1990 ''y ''1993 respectivamente.
Traducción''Ritos Funerarios en Vasconia ''(Funeral Rites in the Basque Country) is an ethnographic research project that was conducted by the Etniker Groups in Euskalerria, and forms part of the Basque Country Ethnographical Atlas, of which Mr. Jose Miguel de Barandiaran is the designer. This Section belongs to Volume X in the Atlas as a whole, and is the third one to be issued. Previous Sections dealing with ''Household Foodstuffs in the Basque Country ''and ''Children's Games in the Basque Country ''appeared in 1990 and in 1993 respectively.

Ritos Funerarios en Vasconia (Funeral Rites in the Basque Country) is an ethnographic research project that was conducted by the Etniker Groups in Euskalerria, and forms part of the Basque Country Ethnographical Atlas, of which Mr. Jose Miguel de Barandiaran is the designer. This Section belongs to Volume X in the Atlas as a whole, and is the third one to be issued. Previous Sections dealing with Household Foodstuffs in the Basque Country and Children's Games in the Basque Country appeared in 1990 and in 1993 respectively.