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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión del 07:08 11 feb 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos funerarios en vasconia)
La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el territorio de Vasconia, situado en el occidente de Europa, ocupando un área que se extiende entre los ríos Adour al norte y Ebro al sur. Está integrado por dos administraciones políticas englobadas en el Estado Español (Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco y Comunidad Foral de Navarra) y una parte del Departamento Francés de Pyrénées Atlantiques. El conjunto suma una superficie de 20.531 Km<sup>2</sup> y cuenta con una población de 2.937.151 habitantes (año 1990).
TraducciónThe research has been carried out within the territory which nowadays forms the Basque Country, lying in an area that stretches from the River Adour in the North, down to the River Ebro in the South. It is governed by two political authorities within the Spanish State (The Basque Autonomous Community and The Community of Navarre), and also includes part of the French Department of the Atlantic Pyrenees. Altogether, it covers an area of 20,531 sq. kms., and its population amounts to 2,937,151 inhabitants (in 1990).

The research has been carried out within the territory which nowadays forms the Basque Country, lying in an area that stretches from the River Adour in the North, down to the River Ebro in the South. It is governed by two political authorities within the Spanish State (The Basque Autonomous Community and The Community of Navarre), and also includes part of the French Department of the Atlantic Pyrenees. Altogether, it covers an area of 20,531 sq. kms., and its population amounts to 2,937,151 inhabitants (in 1990).