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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión actual del 13:53 4 may 2017

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Mensaje original (Resumen)
El trabajo de campo se ha realizado en ochenta y siete localidades distribuidas por Álava (14), Bizkaia (16), Gipuzkoa (17), Navarra (27), Baja Navarra (9), Lapurdi (2) y Zuberoa (2). Para la selección de las poblaciones encuestadas se ha atendido a la diversidad regional del territorio objeto de estudio así como a la de las zonas (rural, urbana y costera) donde se ha efectuado. El cuestionario etnográfico utilizado figura en la ''Guía para una encuesta etnográfica'' (Capítulos I. y II. Grupo Doméstico y Usos del Grupo Doméstico) publicada por Barandiaran el año 1974 y corresponde específicamente a las preguntas que hacen referencia a La Casa (cuestiones 11 a 36), ''Familia'' (cuestiones 105 a 121), ''Relaciones entre esposos'' (cuestiones 122 a 133) todas ellas del cap. I., y ''Equipo mobiliar'' de la casa (cuestiones 1 a 14) del cap. II.
TraducciónResearch was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.

Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.