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– Ploughing, ''irauli''. Cleaning the land or clearing (''uzkaldu'' in Uhartehiri-BN) to remove the remains of the previous harvest, by moving the land using ploughs ''goldiak'', pulled by cows or oxen or by a team led by horses as reinforcement on more difficult land, along with harrows, ''aria'', blades and hoes. Tractors are used nowadays.
– Trilling or breaking up the soil (''destormar'','' desterronar'','' destormonar''), using a simple bunch of bramble branches tied first with a rope, then using a harrow (''aria'', ''ahia'', ''basarria'' with curved teeth and rotating axles)<ref>The ''narria'' was a simple platform with spikes underneath. The ''grada'' was made out of metal and had several teeth.</ref>, or with wooden mallets or stone (''alperra'') and even wooden (''bonbila'', ''bonbilla'') rollers in uplands, and planks in lowlands (''ohola'') (its action is called planking in Fitero-N) or interwoven sticks (''hesija'' or ''hesia'') on which stones were placed to improve the action with their weight, and even using combined rollers as in Gipuzka, and nowadays, using rotary harrows. In Sara (L), this operation is called ''harrotu ''(removing), followed by flattening (''arratu'', ''lurra txeakatzeko'') the land.
– Selecting and disinfecting seeds (in the case of cereal). The best and largest seeds were first chosen, which were sieved to separate the dead grains. The second step, in the case of wheat, involved soaking the seeds in lime, sulphur or sulphate dissolved in water, and then moving them around with wooden paddles<ref>In the 18th century, according to Anes’s information on Gipuzkoa, the seeds were mixed with lime – to protect it against grass insects and other small animals of the farm’s microfauna a–, or soaked in boiling water to speed up the germination, and then sown. G. ANES. “Tradición rural y cambio en la España del siglo XVIII” in ''La economía española al final del Antiguo Régimen''. Tomo I. Agricultura. Madrid: 1982, pp. XVII-XLV, quoted by José Carlos ENRÍQUEZ; Arantza GOGEASCOECHEA “Agricultura tradicional en la vertiente norte del País Vasco: prácticas productivas y organización ecológica familiar” in ''Lurralde'': No. 18 (1995) pp. 245-256. Available from: enriq18/18enriq.htm. Acceso: 22/04/2014.</ref>.
– Sowing, ''gereiñ'', scattering the seed in the case of cereal or placing it by hand in previously indicated spots (corn, beans) or in furrows made for the purpose with markers, ''markak'', and separated by variable distances (six paces for cereal), which meant that several turns were needed when ploughing the land before sowing.
– Fertilising. Animal manure and the waste formed during the winter was collected and piled up until it was spread with the help of a four-pronged pitchfork (''fuxina'' in the northern Northern Basque Country (within France)) at the beginning of May over the fields where the corn would be grown, an operation that was called ''ongarria eman'' (throwing muck on the land) in Sara (L).
– Weeding, ''jorratu'', to remove the weeds, using weeders in the form of hoes, diggers or iron hooks (''holgazanes)'', with a small curved blade, sharpened on the outside and perpendicular to the handle, and with a short stump.
– Irrigating. Irrigated crops needed an extra step consisting of setting up a framework of pipes and sprinklers which takes place when the plant is still in the early stages of grown, in around June, in order to start the watering.
== Fertilising ==
Fertilising is fundamental to keep the soil fertile. In the past, animal manure was commonly used for that purpose<ref>The production of manure in the barns was discussed in an earlier volume of the Ethnographic Atlas, the one on ''Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country''. Bilbao: Etniker Euskalerria; Eusko Jaurlaritza; Government of NavarraNavarre, pp. 230-233.</ref>. Down through the decades, mineral and synthetic fertilisers grew in importance and their use became widespread and has only recently been limited by their cost.
== Use of ash ==
Artisan lime production fell into disuse and is currently industrially produced using oil derivates for combustion, which hugely facilitates its production. The kilns which were so important in the past for the labourers have been abandoned and nowadays lie derelict and taken over by undergrowth (Elgoibar-G).
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