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Texto reemplazado: «<sup>th</sup> century» por «th century»
Ploughing land that had never been previously worked is linked to periods of need for new land that could coincide with economic crises resulting in the ruralisation phenomena, in other words, people returning to rural areas and the growing need for land by the people living there, periods of demographic growth when new land needed to be ploughed for the growing number of mouths to be fed, and even in times of plenty when the need for land was to increase revenue from greater yields.
Even though the interest in clearing and ploughing land reclaimed from the forest to use it as arable land increased tremendously in the 18<sup>th</sup> 18th century given the population growth, particularly in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, that trend also occurred in the 20<sup>th</sup> 20th century as can be seen from the following descriptions.
=== Ploughing scrubland or woodland ===
Lime was used extensively in the past to correct the cultivated land and thus compensate the tendency to be acidic, a tendency heightened by the leaching caused by the frequent rain in the Atlantic area and the soil that was already acidic.
There are frequent records of this in Sara (L), where lime was often used to fertilise the fields in the 19<sup>th</sup> 19th century. However, it fell into disuse from the start of the 20<sup>th</sup> 20th century and the premises of the many lime merchants to be found here are now abandoned and in ruins. The few locals who still used lime to fertilise their land, when Barandiaran conducted this survey (1940-50) bought it from a quarry and lime merchant in Ainhoa.
The lime was produced by the people who were going to use it or at best by local people plying that trade.
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