
Indice Agricultura en vasconia/en

44 bytes añadidos, 11:39 26 abr 2018
Página creada con «**Time of year **Delivering and weighing the olives. Their storage **Crushing **The hopper **The auger **The crusher **The beaters **The tank **The press **The stoning room...»
*[[Elaboracion_del_aceite_de_oliva|Making olive oil]]
**ÉpocaTime of year**Entrega y pesada de la olivaDelivering and weighing the olives. Su almacenajeTheir storage**MoliendaCrushing**La tolvaThe hopper**El sinfínThe auger**El molinoThe crusher**Las batidorasThe beaters**El arcaThe tank**La prensaThe press**El cuarto del huesilloThe stoning room**Las tinas de aceiteThe oil vats**Los infiernillosThe waste holding tanks**Reparto del aceiteDistribution of the oil**Otras aplicacionesOther applications: jabón y ceratosoap and a medicated paste made of wax and oil
*[[Reforma_del_trujal_La_Equidad_Moreda_(A)|Reforma del trujal La Equidad, Moreda (A)]]
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