
Alimentacion domestica en vasconia/en

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 {{DISPLAYTITLE: Family Diet in the Basque Country}} {{#bookTitle:Family Diet in the Basque Country | Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconia/en}}  ==[landing]== ===[alimentacion|Family Diet in the Basque Country|/atlas/alimentacion.png|Food and eating habits in the family, ritual meals, celebrations and lifestyles.]=======[Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconia | Family Diet in the Basque Country]====  ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Odol-usten.jpg|Pig bleeding. Source: José Zufiaurre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|''Odolosteak ordeaz.''<div align="center"br /><div classbr /> Neighbours and relatives are given black puddings and other pork cuts as a gift at pig slaughter time. It is an act of courtesy, an expression of the close bond shared with them, and part of an established exchange ritual.|]====  =="special==[/atlas/alimentacion/Erraria-hornada-de-pan-links"Caserio-Ariztimuno-Onati-1995.jpg|Bread baking. Ariztimuño Farmhouse. Oñati (G), 1955. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Ogi erre berri, etxe galgarri. <br /><div class''Soft bread at home, an unruly household.''|]====  ===="presentation">[/atlas/alimentacion/Labartoa.jpg|Bushel of maize grain. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Maize, introduced in the 17th century, and potatoes, in the 19th, would revolutionise the Basque diet.|]==== ====[Presentacion_Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconia/enatlas/alimentacion/Dando-brillo-al-pan.jpg|Brushing the loaves for a shiny crust. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Nolako irina, halako ogia.<br />''Bad flour makes poor dough.''||Presentación]]====  ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Mercado-de-Navidad-Vitoria-Gasteiz-1977.jpg|Christmas market. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1977. Source: Fernando Díaz de Corcuera, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Aza-olioak pil-pil, <br />bisigua zirt-zart, <br />gaztaina erreak pin-pan, <br />ahia goxo-goxo, epel-epel. <br /div> <div classbr />''Traditional Christmas song''||]====  ===="index"[/atlas/alimentacion/Secado-Ispoure.jpg|Hanging for drying. Izpura (NB). Source: Peio Goïty, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Ezkonduko urtea eta txarria hildako astea, onenak. <br />''The year when you marry and the week that pig is slaughtered are the best.''||]==== ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Abriendo-los-cortes-tras-la-fermentacion.jpg|Scoring after fermentation. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Donde no hay ni pan ni pollos, el horno no está para bollos. <br />''If there’s no bread or chicken, you shouldn’t bake rolls.''||]====  ====[Indice_Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconia/enatlas/alimentacion/Merienda-principios-del-siglo-20.jpg|Snack break, beginning of the 20th century. Source: Archive of the Chartered Government of Gipuzkoa: Indalecio Ojanguren Collection.|Goseak dagonarentzat, ogi gogorrik ez. <br />''The famished make a feast out of bread crumbs.''||Índice de contenidos]====  ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Mercado_de_la_Ribera._Bilbao_principios_de_siglo.jpg|Ribera Market. Bilbao, beginning of the 20th century. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive.|Food was grown on the family small holding or bought from local markets, which, in turn, were supplied with food grown locally. A few products, nearly always non-staples, complemented local or household self-supply.||]====  ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Comida-a-bordo.jpg|Meal on board. Source: Aguirre Archive.|Nahiz dala udea, <br />nahiz dala negua, <br />goizeko zortziretan, <br />armozu ordua. <br /div> <div class>br />''Folk song''||]====  ===="data"[/atlas/alimentacion/Caserio-Olabide-Zerain-1982.jpg|Olabide Farmhouse. Zerain (G), 1982. Source: Karmele Goñi, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Sueteko laratzak jakiten dau etxeko barri. <br />''People show their true colours at home.''||]==== ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Desgranando-habas.jpg|Broad bean podding. Source: Akaitze Kamiruaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Beans and broad beans were the most widely grown legumes and were traditionally an important part of the diet.||]====  ====[Interes_Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconia/enatlas/alimentacion/Mercado-de-Santo-Tomas-Bilbao-1950.jpg|Market on St Thomas’ Day. Bilbao, 1950. Source: Sancho el Sabio Foundation.|Datos de interés]]Gabon, bon-bon; Natibitate, ase eta bete; San Estebantxe, lehen letxe. <br /div> ''Eat heartily on Christmas Eve; until you feel full at Christmas; and back to normal on St Stephen’s Day.''||]====  ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Abrir-el-txotx-Gipuzkoa-1988.jpg|Txotx, cider tasting. Gipuzkoa, 1988. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|On dagizula janak eta kalterik ez edanak. <br /div>''Enjoy what you eat and drink.''||]==== ====[/atlas/alimentacion/Ronda-del-rosco-el-dia-de-San-Cristobal-Oquina-1986.jpg|Round of the roll on St Christopher’s Day. Oquina (A), 1986. Source: Gerardo López de Guereñu Iholdi, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.<br /div>''Bread and wine hold body and soul together.''||]====   ==[related]== ===Outstanding contents=======[File:ALIMENTACION_PORTADA/irontec/categorias/alimentacion/1.26_Pan_domestico.jpg|centerFamily Diet in the Basque Country|650pxTraditional bread making|[[LA_ELABORACION_TRADICIONAL_DEL_PAN/en]] {{DISPLAYTITLE: Alimentación doméstica ]========[/irontec/categorias/alimentacion/1.72_Chamuscado_del_cerdo._Hondarribia_(G).jpg|Family Diet in the Basque Country|Domestic slaughtering of animals|[[MATANZA_DOMESTICA_DE_ANIMALES/en Vasconia}} {{#bookTitle:Alimentación Doméstica ]]]========[/irontec/categorias/alimentacion/1.107_Colando_la_leche.JPG.jpg|Family Diet in the Basque Country|Ritual meals and food|[[ALIMENTOS_Y_COMIDAS_RITUALES/en Vasconia ]]]========[/irontec/categorias/alimentacion/1.197_Tamboril_de_asar_castañas_1914.jpg|Family Diet in the Basque Country| Alimentacion_domestica_en_vasconiaFood in the Northern Basque Country|[[LA_ALIMENTACION_EN_IPARRALDE/en}}]]]====
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