Zurututza Farmhouse. Zeanuri (B), c. 1925. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

Etxeko habeak, etxeko berri. A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another’s.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Ogi erre berri, etxe galgarri. Soft bread at home, an unruly household.
Bread baking. Ariztimuño Farmhouse. Oñati (G), 1955. Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Playing knucklebones. Zeanuri (B), 1993. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Before glass, and even clay, marbles were introduced, they used parts of plants, including oak acorns and seed pits.
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Ez da gaitzik aldiak ez daroanik. Time cures everything.
Hermitage of St Engratia. Segura (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Single farewell. Durango (B), 1960. Source: Gurutzi Arregi, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

The transfer of the chattels was a ritualised act of great importance as it marked the entry of the new spouse in the home, etxe-sartzea.
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Dying on a rainy day or if it rained after the death showed that the soul would be saved: gorputz ona, euritsu.
On the way to the cemetery, c. 1950. Izurdiaga (N). Source: Carmen Jusué, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Goats wearing bells. Anboto (B), 1999. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: José Ignacio García Muñoz.
Ganaderia y pastoreo en Vasconia

Ganaderia y pastoreo en Vasconia

Cowbells, in the same way as chimes, have been attributed with the power to protect the livestock from spells. Their use to protect against the evil eye, begizkoa, was very widespread in the past.
Agricultura en Vasconia

Agricultura en Vasconia

Tente nublo, tente en ti,no te caigas sobre mí,guarda el pan, guarda el vino,guarda los campos que están floridos.Conjuro contra nublados
Viñedo de Obanos (N), 2011. Fuente: M.ª Amor Beguiristain, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.