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Those tasks regarding religion and worship are still the remit of women to a great extent. However, some traditional duties such as those related to worshiping the deas have gradually fallen into decline as the family burial grounds fell into disuse. The husband generally played a more secondary role as regards household religion. However, certain religious activities were entrusted to him, including: making offerings or asking for Masses to be to ensure the health or fertility of the livestock, planting blessed crosses to protect the fields, attend the prayers for rain, putting the image of St. Anthony in the stable to protect the livestock from illness, etc. The division of responsibilities regarding religion reflects the very division of the duties and tasks of the husband and wife on the farmstead. And that was reflected in even the smallest details, the bayleaves, which was placed on the headboard of the beds or in the home, was left up to the wife. By contrast, planting or attaching the oak or ash branch at the door of the house, on St. John’s Day, was always the exclusive task of the husband.
== Adoption. Urikoak, bortes ==
=== Frequency and names ===
127 728