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1965ean Etnologiako Europako Nazioarteko Konferentziak, Stockholmen egina, Europa osoan gertatzen ari ziren aldaketak kontuan hartuta, atlas etnografikoak egin behar zirela aldarrikatu zuen, giza taldeen eta gizarte tradizionalen ezaugarri kulturalak jasoko zituzten landa-laneko inkesten bitartez.
During the XII General Meeting of the Etniker Groups held in Ataun (Gipuzkoa) in 1987, the proposal was made to produce the Ethnographic Atlas based on the experience built up over decades of ethnographic publications and three prior research lines conducted as a team. Therefore, an Interregional Steering Committee comprising the heads of each territorial group was set up and would be in charge of organising the research and drafting. Furthermore, the different territorial groups were confederated in a higher entity structure known as Etniker Euskalerria Groups.