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Atlas etnografico de vasconia/en

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sin resumen de edición
Given that the research and data gathering process occurs more quickly than the production of each volume, both processes are separate in time. That has meant that nearly all the major sections of the Etniker questionnaire have been practically completed so that all those materials are pending preparation. Apart from the explanations above, there is another of greater importance that justifies advancing the field research: as great importance is given to the knowledge of the elderly people surveyed, any delay could mean a significant loss of information.
Una vez que se inicia la elaboración de un tomo del Once work begins on a volume of the Atlas estos materiales se clasifican y se ordenan previamente, those materials are first classified and organised. A la vez se recaba toda la bibliografía relacionada con el tomo en preparaciónThe whole bibliography related to the volume being prepared is in turn compiled. Aquí tienen un papel importante las publicaciones previas The publications prior to the research campaign and which follow a la realización de la campaña de investigación y que siguen una metodología similar ya que hay que tener en cuenta que la recopilación etnográfica promovida por methodology play a key role as the ethnographic compilation under the aegis of Barandiaran comenzó a inicios del pasado siglo XX con la publicación del dating back to the start of the 20th century with the publication of the Anuario de Eusko Folklore en in 1921has to be taken into account.
El proceso de redacción es laborioso dada la extensión de cada tomo y el elevado número de memorias que se manejanThe drafting process is laborious given the extent of each volume and the great number of memories handled. Para la edición del tomo se lleva a cabo una tarea de selección de A selection of the graphic material gráfico, tanto aportado por los encuestadores como de origen bibliográficoboth provided by the interviewers and from the bibliography, was prepared for the volume to be published.
Se han editado ocho tomosEight volumes have been published:
* La alimentación domésticaHousehold Food. 1990* Juegos infantilesChildren’s Games. 1993* Ritos funerariosFuneral Rites. 1995* Ritos del nacimiento al matrimonioFrom Birth to Marriage Rites. 1998* Ganadería y pastoreoLivestocking and Shepherding. 2000* Medicina popularFolk Medicine. 2004* Casa y familiaHouse and Family. 2011* AgriculturaAgriculture. 2017{{DISPLAYTITLE: Ethnographic Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconiaof the Basque Country}}
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