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Juegos infantiles en vasconia/en

62 bytes eliminados, 16:39 20 ene 2020
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===[juegos|Children’s Games in the Basque Country|/atlas/juegos.png|<div align="center">''Haurrak, haurlan''<br/><br/>. ‘Play is the work of childhood’<br/><br/><br/>. On traditional games, the world of children and their ability to emulate adult behaviour.<br/><br/><br/></div>]===
====[Juegos_infantiles_en_vasconia | Children’s Games in the Basque Country]====
====[/atlas/juegos/Columpiandose.jpg|On a swing. Source: Arrien, Gregorio. Niños vascos evacuados en 1937. Bilbao, 1988.|Sirrin-sarran, <br />domini pan, <br />zure semea errotan, <br />errota txiki, <br />errota handi, <br />eragin deutso, <br />pin-pan.<br /><br />''Children’s chant''|]====
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