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Juegos infantiles en vasconia/en

240 bytes añadidos, 17:03 16 mar 2020
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====[/atlas/juegos/A-tabas-Zeanuri-1993.jpg|Playing knucklebones. Zeanuri (B), 1993. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Before glass, and even clay, marbles were introduced, they used parts of plants, including oak acorns and seed pits.|]====
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====[/atlas/juegos/Asto-astoka-Zeanuri-1920.jpg|Children from Zeanuri (B), 1913. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.|''Txirringolan'' <br />
It consisted of rolling a metal or wooden hoop along using a wire rod with a hook at its end to steer or move it.|]====
====[/atlas/juegos/A-chorro-morro.jpg|Leapfrog jumping. Source: Iñigo Irigoyen, José. Folklore Alavés. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Chartered Government of Álava, 1949.|''Astoka'' <br />One or more participants bend down in a position that is usually called a frog and the others jump over them.||]====
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====[/atlas/juegos/Vestidos_y_adornos_vegetales_Egozkue_1967.png|Vegetal clothing and accessories. Egozkue (N), 1967. Source: José Zufiaurre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Akerrak adarrak okerrak ditu, <br />adarrak okerrak akerrak ditu, <br />okerrak adarrak akerrak ditu. <br /><br />''Tongue-twister''||]====
====[/atlas/juegos/A-enfermeras-Getxo-1993.jpg|Doctors and nurses. Getxo (B), 1993. Source: Jon Elorriaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Txikia banintzen, handia banintzen, maiatzerako burutu nintzen. <br />''Riddle''||]====
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====[/atlas/juegos/Umetxo-taldea_Zeanurin_aurrekoa_parrantolarekin_Zeanuri_1920.jpg|Group of children. Zeanuri (B), 1920. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.|Children in the traditional society, both in towns and in countryside, only really had the toys that they made themselves. Games were more common than toys, and the latter were just a basis for the former.||]====
====[/atlas/juegos/Ninos-con-patinetes-y-triciclos-en-la-Florida.jpg|Children riding scooters and tricycles at Florida Park. Source: Municipal Archive of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Ceferino Yanguas.|Humans play games throughout their lives; however, that activity has a clearly different role for children and adults.||]====
====[/atlas/juegos/Asto-astoka-Zeanuri-1920.jpg|Leapfrog. Zeanuri (B), 1920. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.|—Arre, arre, <br />mandako, bihar Tolosarako, <br />etzi Panplonarako. <br />—Handik zer ekarriko? <br />—Zapata ta garriko. <br /><br />''Children’s chant''||]====
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====[/atlas/juegos/Zotzetara_Zeanuri_1993.jpg|Drawing of lots. Zeanuri (B), 1993. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Txirristi-mirristi, gerrena, plat, <br />olio-zopa, kikili-salda, <br />urrup edan edo klik, <br />ikimilikiliklik. <br /><br />''Drawing lots chant''||]====
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====[/atlas/juegos/Velando_el_sueno_1914.png|Watching over the child. Source: Novedades. Donostia, 1914.|Obabatxua lo ta lo, <br />zuk orain eta nik gero; <br />zeuk gura dozun orduren baten, <br />biok egingo dogu lo ta lo. <br /><br />''Lullaby''||]====
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===Outstanding contents===
====[/images/thumb/0/00/4.9_A_la_silla_de_la_reina._Carranza_(B)_1993.png/1200px-4.9_A_la_silla_de_la_reina._Carranza_(B)_1993.png|Children’s Games in the Basque Country|Early childhood games and songs|[[JUEGOS_Y_CANCIONES_PARA_LA_PRIMERA_EDAD/en]]]====
====[/images/thumb/3/3a/4.189_Haciendo_figuras_con_hilos._Carranza_(B).png/800px-4.189_Haciendo_figuras_con_hilos._Carranza_(B).png|Children’s Games in the Basque Country|Games of skill|[[JUEGOS_DE_HABILIDAD/en]]]====
====[/images/thumb/5/51/4.280_Goitibera._Zeanuri_(B)_1982.png/900px-4.280_Goitibera._Zeanuri_(B)_1982.png|Children’s Games in the Basque Country|Toys. Children’s crafts|[[OS_JUGUETES._ARTESANIA_INFANTIL/en]]]====