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“Furthermore, it should be noted that the provisional values of the entitlements hereby notified are affected by convergence, in other words, a phased approach is calculated of the initial unit value to the regional average value in 5 identical phases from 2015 to 2015. Should the value of your entitlements be under 90 % of the average value for your region, they shall be progressively increased in order to reach in 2019 the increment standing at a third of the difference between your average and 90 % of the average for the region. However, should the value of your entitlements be under the average for the region, this convergence shall be funded by reducing the value of the payment entitlements whose value is over the average in 2019, with the maximum reduction being set at 30 % of the nominal value. If, after calculating the upward convergence, your payment entitlements are still under 60 % of the average for the region in 2019, they shall be raised to that 60 % of the average in 2019, unless that means the donors suffering losses over 30 %, in which case they shall be shifted towards 60 % even if they do not reach it. Finally, if the value of your entitlements is between 90 % and the average of the region, they will not be affected by this convergence process”<ref>Paragraph taken from a notification sent to all producers of the Basque Autonomous Community by the Agriculture and Livestock Directorate of the Basque Government’s Ministry of Economic Development and Competitiveness in 2015.</ref>.
El peso económico que tiene la actividad agraria en el conjunto de la sociedad es cada vez menorThe economic weight of agriculture in society overall is steadily declining. Esto se traduce This in turn has resulted in a su vez en un progresivo alejamiento del mundo urbano respecto de la actividad productora de alimentos y de lo que eso suponewidening gap between the urban world and the food production and all that entails. Para mucha gente ya se considera Many people already consider it to be normal encontrar determinadas frutas y hortalizas en las tiendas de alimentación en los meses invernales, pues ni siquiera se cuestionan la estacionalidad de los cultivosto find certain fruit and vegetables on the shelves in food stores in winter and do not even think about crop seasonality.
Y sin embargo asistimos a la paradoja de que cuanto menor es el peso de la actividad agraria, mayor es el interés social en participar en las ferias agrícolas en las que se ofertan las producciones locales, hasta el punto de que algunas de ellas se han convertido en auténticos actos de masas, como es el caso de las ferias de santo Tomás en Bilbao y Donostia o el último lunes de octubre de Gernika. En estas ferias y otras de menor enjundia se observa un creciente fenómeno de “folklorización” y una especie de estándar marcado por los mismos puestos de venta patrocinados por las Cajas de Ahorro.
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