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Indice Ritos funerarios en vasconia/en

27 bytes añadidos, 10:44 21 feb 2019
Texto reemplazado: «\*\[\[(.*)\]\]» por «==== $1 ====»
==== [[Pagar_medir_o_pesar_lo_justo|Paying, measuring or weighing just enough]] ====
*==== [[Ruidos_y_otras_coincidencias|Noises and other coincidences]]====
==== [[Presagios_derivados_del_acto_de_morir._Hilaren_begi_irekiak|Omens resulting from the act of dying]] ====
==== [[Perduracion_y_transformacion_del_novenario|Persistence and transformation of the novena]] ====
*==== [[El_novenario_en_el_Pais_Vasco_continental|The novena in the Northern Basque Country]]====
*[[Rezo_del_rosario_durante_el_novenario|Reciting the rosary during the novena]]
=== [[La_asistencia_al_sepelio|Attending the burial act]] ===
*==== [[Asistentes_de_oficio|Ex officio attendees]]====
==== [[Ausencia_de_las_mujeres|Women not attending]] ====
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