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Página creada con «The changes to farming activity have led to notable transformation in our rural areas that have gone beyond mere production.»
The specialisation process that occurred in the last decades of the 20th century meant that the importance of livestock farming on the Atlantic-facing side, particularly in the case of dairy farming, increased to the detriment of traditional agriculture, while that was the opposite of what happened on the Mediterranean-facing side. Both activities had been more balanced up to then as the traditional livestock and farming societies were closely linked. Animals were needed to carry out agricultural tasks (draught animals) and their dung was the main source of nutrients to keep the land fertile. On the other hand, part of the production grown was used to feed the livestock.
Los cambios acaecidos en la actividad agraria han acarreado notables transformaciones en nuestras áreas rurales que han ido más allá de la actividad meramente productivaThe changes to farming activity have led to notable transformation in our rural areas that have gone beyond mere production.
En la sociedad tradicional todos los miembros de la casa estaban implicados en este trabajo mientras se lo permitiese la edad o la enfermedad. Hoy en día cada vez es más frecuente que sea solo una persona o muy pocas las que se dediquen a este trabajo en cada casa, teniendo las demás otras ocupaciones.
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