Ethnographic Atlas of the Basque Country

Four generations of the same family. Ajangiz (B), 1977. Source: Segundo Oar-Arteta, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

The family was the cornerstone of the farmstead, and the farmsteads along with the families provided coherence and structure to the neighbourhood and society.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Donde no hay ni pan ni pollos, el horno no está para bollos. If there’s no bread or chicken, you shouldn’t bake rolls.
Scoring after fermentation. Source: Ander Manterola, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Group of children. Zeanuri (B), 1920. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children in the traditional society, both in towns and in countryside, only really had the toys that they made themselves. Games were more common than toys, and the latter were just a basis for the former.
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

The widespread belief was that Christmas Eve’s bread, ogi salutadorea, would not go mouldy and would prevent rabies in dogs and other domestic animals.
Christmas bread. Source: Akaitze Kamiruaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Urduliz (B), 1984. Source: Akaitze Kamiruaga, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Haurrak negarrik ez, titirik ez. A baby who does not cry, does not suckle.
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Death was an event that usually occurred in the neighbourhood, a fact that meant the home of the deceased played a leading role.
Coffin bearers. Amezketa (G). Source: Antxon Aguirre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Shepherd wearing a cape. Eriete (N), 1959. Source: Archive of the Museum of Navarre: Nicolás Ardanaz Collection.
Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Nolako artzaina, halako artaldea. Every animal ends up looking like their master.
Agriculture in the Basque Country

Agriculture in the Basque Country

Spades, ploughs, rakes, sickles, scythes and threshers were the essential tools for agricultural work.
Spading. Zeanuri (B), 1920. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.