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Página creada con «The departure is that of the “soul” or of the “spirit”, ''izpiritua, arima'', which accompanies the last dying breath, ''azken hatsa''. Accordingly, a tile would so...»
The presence refers to ''Herioa.'' When the grim reaper came to take the person, everyone had to be on guard and the animals would be put in the barn. That arrival could leave a mark that fire would delete, would purify.
La partida es la del “alma” o del “espíritu”The departure is that of the “soul” or of the “spirit”, ''izpiritua'', ''arima'', que acompaña al último suspiro emitidowhich accompanies the last dying breath, ''azken hatsa''. Bajo esta ópticaAccordingly, a veces se retiraba una teja del tejado y se sigue abriendo la ventana o la puerta de la habitación del que acaba de morirtile would sometimes be taken from the roof and the window or door of the room where someone has just died continues to be opened. El muerto nos ha dejadoThe deceased has left us, ''joan zauku,'', pero sus restos mortales no son inofensivos, hay que cerrarle los ojos cuanto antes para evitar que llame but his corpse was not considered to be harmless and the eyes had to be closed as soon as possible to avoid it calling someone. The expressions collected to describe that passing reveal a alguien. En las expresiones utilizadas para describir este último tránsito que se han recogidocomplex, se percibe un mundo complejo, disperso y al mismo tiempo lleno de maticesdisperse world and also full of nuances. NaturalmenteNaturally, la visión cristianathe Christian vision, tal y como la imponía la Iglesiaas imposed by the Church, desempeñaba plenamente su funciónplayed its part fully. Bajo esa ópticaFrom that viewpoint, la muerte era separacióndeath is separation, pero también presentación ante el tribunal supremo y accesobut also being brought before the highest court and access, ciertamente poco garantizadoadmittedly not guaranteed, to a heaven where a un cielo donde reina un Dios que nos pide cuentasGod reigns who holds us accountable.
== El duelo doméstico y familiar ==
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