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Página creada con «The work was collated and written up at the Department of Ethnography at the Labayru Institute. The content is based primordially on the data obtained during fieldwork on t...»
Research was done in eighty-seven towns and villages in the provinces of Álava (14), Biscay (16), Guipúzcoa (17) and the region of Navarra (27) in Spain and Basse Navarre (9), Labourd (Lapurdi in Basque) (2) and Soule (Zuberoa) (2) in France. Criteria for selecting the villages and towns surveyed took account of the regional diversity of the target territory and the type of zone (rural, urban or coastal) where the fieldwork was to be carried out. The ethnographic questionnaire used features in the Guide for an ethnographic survey (chapters I. and II. Domestic group and Domestic group habits and customs) published by Barandiaran in 1974 and corresponds specifically to the questions referring to House (questions 11 to 36), Family (105 to 121), Husbandand-wife relations (122 to 133), all from chap. I, and Furniture in the house (questions 1 to 14) from chap. II.
La elaboración de la obra, así como su redacción, ha sido llevada a cabo en el Departamento de Etnografía del Instituto The work was collated and written up at the Department of Ethnography at the LabayruInstitute. Su contenido se basaThe content is based primordially on the data obtained during fieldwork on traditional rural houses and their accompanying furniture and goods; even so, primordialmentehouses in urban areas and fishermen’s houses were not excluded. Although this is an ethnographic rather than an architectural study, en los datos obtenidos de la investigación propia de campo referida the buildings themselves are also taken into account. Also provided is a la casa rural tradicional y al mobiliario y enseres que la adornanstudy of the family living there, sin excluir la casa de núcleos urbanos como las villas y las casas de pescadores. Se trata de un estudio etnográfico y no arquitectónico aunque también se tenga en cuenta este aspecto. Se complementa con el análisis de la familia que la habita porque la labor investigadora no descansa en elementos vacíos sino llenos de vidabecause research work is about life, y las casas cumplen una función y están organizadas para responder not empty spaces; houses fulfil a un modo de vida agrícolafunction and are organized to respond principally to an agricultural and cattle-ganadero principalmentebreeding and tending lifestyle.
La obra está estructurada en veintiún capítulos. Tras el preámbulo que sirve de pórtico, la publicación se abre con tres capítulos dedicados respectivamente a las distintas formas de poblamiento del territorio, la relación de la casa con el suelo, el clima y la actividad, y la denominación, orientación y situación de las casas.
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