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Página creada con «In all, the book has twenty-one chapters. After the foreword, the book opens with three chapters on the different types of population settlement in the area, the relation b...»
The work was collated and written up at the Department of Ethnography at the Labayru Institute. The content is based primordially on the data obtained during fieldwork on traditional rural houses and their accompanying furniture and goods; even so, houses in urban areas and fishermen’s houses were not excluded. Although this is an ethnographic rather than an architectural study, the buildings themselves are also taken into account. Also provided is a study of the family living there, because research work is about life, not empty spaces; houses fulfil a function and are organized to respond principally to an agricultural and cattle-breeding and tending lifestyle.
La obra está estructurada en veintiún capítulosIn all, the book has twenty-one chapters. Tras el preámbulo que sirve de pórticoAfter the foreword, la publicación se abre con tres capítulos dedicados respectivamente a las distintas formas de poblamiento del territoriothe book opens with three chapters on the different types of population settlement in the area, la relación de la casa con el suelothe relation between house and land, el clima y la actividadclimate and activity, y la denominaciónand the denomination, orientación y situación de las casasorientation and situation of the houses themselves.
Los seis capítulos siguientes se ocupan de la estructura de la casa. El primero de ellos describe modelos de casas de un número representativo de comarcas de las distintas regiones, los tres siguientes analizan pormenorizadamente los distintos tipos de tejados, los cimientos y paredes, las puertas y ventanas. El siguiente se ocupa de la distribución interna, acompañada de los correspondientes planos, para terminar con los elementos ornamentales.
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