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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Juegos infantiles en vasconia)
En concreto desarrolla los juegos y canciones que los adultos practican con los niños durante los primeros años de su vida; los juegos que los niños llevan a cabo con animales y plantas en su entorno natural; las normas y fórmulas que acompañan la actividad lúdica infantil además de las relaciones que se establecen entre los niños; los procedimientos por los que se efectúa la selección de los participantes que van a jugar; los juegos de carreras, de esconderse, de salto, de balanceo, de lanzamiento y de habilidad; los efectuados con las manos y los dedos; los rítmicos, de imitación, de lenguaje, de adivinanza y los que se practican durante la celebración de las fiestas populares; también el coleccionismo y la fabricación artesanal de juguetes.
TraducciónSpecifically, it covers the songs and games which grown-ups sing and play with children during the first few years of their lives, including nursery rhymes; games that children play with animals and plants in their natural environment; the standards and conventions which govern children’s playtime activity, as well as the relationships that are fostered among children; the procedures by which children who are going to take part in a game are selected; games that involve racing, hiding, jumping, balancing, throwing, and skill; games that are played using the hands and the fingers; rhythmic games, immitation games, talking games, guessing games, and games that are played on festive occasions. The book also covers hand made toys and collecting.

Specifically, it covers the songs and games which grown-ups sing and play with children during the first few years of their lives, including nursery rhymes; games that children play with animals and plants in their natural environment; the standards and conventions which govern children’s playtime activity, as well as the relationships that are fostered among children; the procedures by which children who are going to take part in a game are selected; games that involve racing, hiding, jumping, balancing, throwing, and skill; games that are played using the hands and the fingers; rhythmic games, immitation games, talking games, guessing games, and games that are played on festive occasions. The book also covers hand made toys and collecting.