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Línea 286: Línea 286:
====[/atlas/agricultura/Descargando-el-grano-en-el-remolque-Argandona-2003.jpg|Unloading grain into the trailer. Argandoña (A), 2003. Source: Juan José Galdos, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Ezkur urte, laborte urte. <br />''Acorns a plenty, a year of prosperity.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Descargando-el-grano-en-el-remolque-Argandona-2003.jpg|Unloading grain into the trailer. Argandoña (A), 2003. Source: Juan José Galdos, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Ezkur urte, laborte urte. <br />''Acorns a plenty, a year of prosperity.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Siega-de-trigo-Gesaltza-1950.jpg|Siega de trigo. Gesaltza (G), c. 1950. Fuente: Archivo Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz: Fondo Enrique Guinea.|Satsitu ta jorratu ta garia hartu. Estercolar y escardar y recoger trigo.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Siega-de-trigo-Gesaltza-1950.jpg|Wheat harvest. Gesaltza (G), c. 1950. Source: Municipal Archive of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Enrique Guinea Collection.|Satsitu ta jorratu ta garia hartu. <br />''Spreading manure and weeding and harvesting wheat.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Desgranando-semilla-Zerain-1961.jpg|Desgranando semilla. Zerain (G), 1961. Fuente: Karmele Goñi, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|La selección de semillas ha sido de siempre una actividad fundamental. De cada cosecha se elegía la mejor semilla, para conservarla y utilizarla en la siguiente siembra.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Laietan-Zeanurin-1920.jpg|Layando Zeanurin (B), 1920. Fuente: Archivo Fotográfico Labayru Fundazioa: Fondo Felipe Manterola.|Las layas, los arados, las rastras, las hoces, las guadañas y los trillos eran los útiles imprescindibles para los trabajos agrícolas.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Desgranando-semilla-Zerain-1961.jpg|Seed threshing. Zerain (G), 1961. Source: Karmele Goñi, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Selecting seeds has always been a fundamental activity. The best seeds were chosen from each harvest, and they were then stored and used for the next sowing season.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Acarreo-de-los-haces-de-trigo-1940.jpg|Acarreo de los haces de trigo. Álava, c. 1940. Fuente: Archivo Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz: Fondo Enrique Guinea.|Tanto la fuerza humana como la animal, hasta la introducción de la maquinaria moderna, han tenido una influencia decisiva en la forma de trabajar y en los cultivos.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Recoleccion-de-oliva-a-ordeno-Moreda-2015.jpg|Recolección de oliva a ordeño. Moreda (A), 2015. Fuente: José Ángel Chasco, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Uzta garaian lokartzen, miserian iratzartzen. El que duerme en tiempo de cosecha se despierta en la miseria.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Laietan-Zeanurin-1920.jpg|Spading. Zeanuri (B), 1920. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.|Spades, ploughs, rakes, sickles, scythes and threshers were the essential tools for agricultural work.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Utillaje-para-trabajar-el-lino-Zeanuri-1931.jpg|Utillaje para trabajar el lino. Zeanuri (B), 1931. Fuente: Archivo Fotográfico Labayru Fundazioa: Fondo Felipe Manterola.|Linoaren atsekabeak, amaigabeak. El trabajo del lino no es fino.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Maizal.-Carranza--2016.jpg|Maizal. Carranza (B), 2016. Fuente: Luis Manuel Peña, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|San Jurgi, artoak ereiteko goizegi; San Markos, artoak ereinda balegoz. Para sembrar el maíz, el día de San Jorge es temprano, y el día de San Marcos es ya tarde.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Acarreo-de-los-haces-de-trigo-1940.jpg|Haulage of wheat sheaves. Álava, c. 1940. Source: Municipal Archive of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Enrique Guinea Collection.|Both animal and human power had a decisive impact on the way of working and on the crops until the introduction of modern machinery.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Trilladora-y-costales-de-trigo-Navarra-1960.jpg|Trilladora y costales de trigo. Navarra, c. 1960. Fuente: Archivo Museo de Navarra: Fondo Nicolás Ardanaz.|Maiatz luzea, gosea; garagarrilak ekarriko du asea. Mayo hortelano, mucha paja y poco grano.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Vecinos-trabajando-en-las-eras-Alegria-Dulantzi-1940.jpg|Vecinos trabajando en las eras. Alegría-Dulantzi (A), c. 1940. Fuente: Archivo Municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz: Fondo Enrique Guinea.|Elur asko den urtean, garia; eta erle asko dugunean, eztia. Año de nieves, año de bienes.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Recoleccion-de-oliva-a-ordeno-Moreda-2015.jpg|Milking of olive trees. Moreda (A), 2015. Source: José Ángel Chasco, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Uzta garaian lokartzen, miserian iratzartzen. <br />''Anyone who sleeps at harvest time wakes up destitute.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Sembrando-patata-a-azada-Abadino-2009.jpg|Sembrando patata a azada. Abadiño (B), 2009. Fuente: Rosa M.ª Ardanza, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Tanto los linares como los huertos constituían las piezas más delicadas del espacio agrícola, las más entrañables en la concepción de la propiedad particular del agricultor, las más incorporadas a su patrimonio familiar.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Molino-de-Carranza-1977.jpg|Molino de Carranza (B), 1977. Fuente: Miguel Sabino Díaz, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Hasta la década de los años 1950 el molino harinero era un elemento indispensable en la economía grícola-ganadera de nuestros pueblos.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Utillaje-para-trabajar-el-lino-Zeanuri-1931.jpg|Implements for linen making. Zeanuri (B), 1931. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.|Linoaren atsekabeak, amaigabeak. <br />''Producing fine linen is hard work.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Descargando-el-grano-en-el-remolque-Argandona-2003.jpg|Descargando el grano en el remolque. Argandoña (A), 2003. Fuente: Juan José Galdos, Grupos Etniker Euskalerria.|Ezkur urte, laborte urte. Año de bellota, año de bienes.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Maizal.-Carranza--2016.jpg|Maize field. Carranza (B), 2016. Source: Luis Manuel Peña, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|San Jurgi, artoak ereiteko goizegi; San Markos, artoak ereinda balegoz. <br />''St George’s Day is too early to sow maize and St Mark’s Day is too late.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Trilladora-y-costales-de-trigo-Navarra-1960.jpg|Wheat being threshed and sacked. Navarre, c. 1960. Source: Archive of the Museum of Navarre: Nicolás Ardanaz Collection.|Maiatz luzea, gosea; garagarrilak ekarriko du asea. <br />''A very wet May, much straw and little grain.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Vecinos-trabajando-en-las-eras-Alegria-Dulantzi-1940.jpg|Neighbours on the threshing plots. Alegría-Dulantzi (A), c. 1940. Source: Municipal Archive of Vitoria-Gasteiz: Enrique Guinea Collection.|Elur asko den urtean, garia; eta erle asko dugunean, eztia. <br />''A year of snow, a year of plenty.''||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Sembrando-patata-a-azada-Abadino-2009.jpg|Sowing potato with a hoe. Abadiño (B), 2009. Source: Rosa M.ª Ardanza, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Flax fields and market gardens were the areas of the farm that required the greatest care, the pride of the farmer’s property and a cornerstone of the family’s wealth.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Molino-de-Carranza-1977.jpg|Mill in Carranza (B), 1977. Source: Miguel Sabino Díaz, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Until the 1950s, flour mills were an essential aspect of the livestock-farming economy of our villages.||]====
====[/atlas/agricultura/Descargando-el-grano-en-el-remolque-Argandona-2003.jpg|Unloading grain into the trailer. Argandoña (A), 2003. Source: Juan José Galdos, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.|Ezkur urte, laborte urte. <br />''Acorns a plenty, a year of prosperity.''||]====

Revisión del 16:53 11 mar 2020

Old and young husband and wife. Areatza (B), beginning of the 20th century. Source: Rubén de Las Hayas’ private archive.
House and Family in the Basque Country

House and Family in the Basque Country

The aim was to ensure that the family wealth, taken to be the farmstead and its belongings, would be passed on in full or only slightly diminished, and improved if possible, from parents to their offspring.
Family Diet in the Basque Country

Family Diet in the Basque Country

Goseak dagonarentzat, ogi gogorrik ez. The famished make a feast out of bread crumbs.
Snack break, beginning of the 20th century. Source: Archive of the Chartered Government of Gipuzkoa: Indalecio Ojanguren Collection.
Children from Beasain in Egozkuen (N), 1967. Source: José Zufiaurre, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Children’s Games in the Basque Country

Txori-ikasten They played looking for birds’ nests and thus learnt about their habits, their songs, the way the nests were built…
Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

Traditional Medicine in the Basque Country

There is a hidden wisdom behind popular medicine that goes far beyond the remedy itself. This collection of data helps us catch a glimpse of a way to understand health and disease —and ultimately the human body— that differs from the prevailing view.
Collecting thyme on Good Friday. Salinillas de Buradón (A), 1998. Source: Isidro Sáenz de Urturi, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Etxebarri (B), 1968. Source: Edurne Romarate, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Rites from Birth to Marriage in the Basque Country

Maritxu-teilatuko, gona gorriduna, eutsi hagin zaharra ta ekarzu barria. Popular recitation
Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Funeral Rites in the Basque Country

Sorrow was expressed by wearing mourning.
Mourners. Sara (L). Source: Veyrin, Philippe. Pays Basques de France et d’Espagne. Paris-Grenoble, 1951.
Grassy pastures in Carranza (B), 2009. Source: Luis Manuel Peña, Etniker Euskalerria Groups.
Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

Livestock Farming and Shepherding in the Basque Country

The priority of the right of herds to cross arable land is expressed in the sentence: soroak zor dio larreari ‘arable land is indebted to grassland’.
Agriculture in the Basque Country

Agriculture in the Basque Country

Linoaren atsekabeak, amaigabeak. Producing fine linen is hard work.
Implements for linen making. Zeanuri (B), 1931. Source: Labayru Fundazioa Photograhic Archive: Felipe Manterola Collection.