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Página creada con «Many homesteads in the rural districts are no longer involved in farming. The districts have undergone a progressive “urbanisation” process and the homesteads have ofte...»
In the past, agricultural work needed a sizeable workforce, but that was not a problem as families were much larger than they are today. Some of the jobs required more people than those available at the homestead and therefore helping your neighbours was necessary and the favour would be repaid in the same way. That helped to maintain the neighbourhood structure, that has gradually fragmented and what could be called as the individualism of each homestead has increasingly gained in importance. The drop in the number of workers and that individualism is linked to increasingly more machinery being brought into play to a certain extent.
Numerosas casas de los barrios rurales se han desvinculado de la actividad agrariaMany homesteads in the rural districts are no longer involved in farming. Los barrios han experimentado un progresivo proceso de “urbanización” y las casas se han reformado The districts have undergone a menudo con criterios urbanos, hasta el punto de que se ha producido un curioso proceso de convergencia entre los habitantes rurales que aspiraban progressive “urbanisation” process and the homesteads have often been refurbished using urban criteria to the point that a curious convergence process has occurred between the rural inhabitants who aspire to have a house with the “amenities” of a tener una casa con las “comodidades” de una vivienda urbanatown house, y los llegados de la ciudad que levantaban la suya tratando de que se asemejase and the new arrivals to the city who build one as near as possible to their ideal of what a su ideal de lo que era una casa de camporural house would be; el resultado ha sido que ambos tipos de casas muestran una sospechosa semejanzathe outcome is that both types of house are suspiciously similar<ref>En un tomo anterior de este An earlier volumen of this Atlas dedicado a casa y familia en Vasconia se tratan estos cambioson home and family in the Basque Country considers these changes.</ref>.
En tiempos pasados la estrategia productiva se basaba en la diversidad: de cultivos, de variedades de cada cultivo, de animales criados, etc. Hoy en día ha crecido notablemente la especialización, no solo en cuanto a los productos cultivados sino incluso en las técnicas y maquinarias empleadas. Esto supone un alejamiento progresivo de la naturaleza, donde prima la biodiversidad. La especialización y la reducción de la diversidad generan una especie de “monocultivo de las ideas”, dificultando la posibilidad de apreciar nuevos enfoques y formas de producción distintas.
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