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Revisión actual del 08:33 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Agricultura en vasconia)
Se dedica un capítulo a la hierba y su aprovechamiento, registrándose los cambios introducidos con la nueva maquinaria. Los árboles frutales, su plantación y cuidados, el injertado, la poda, la recolección y el aprovechamiento de la fruta son también objeto de estudio.El olivo y la vid han merecido un tratamiento independiente dada la importancia que tienen en la zona meridional de Vasconia. En sendos capítulos se estudia su cultivo y la producción de aceite y vino en la vertiente mediterránea y de ''txakoli ''y sidra en la atlántica.El cultivo del lino y del cáñamo como producciones ligadas al autoabastecimiento de la casa en tiempos pasados son analizados en un capítulo propio.
TraducciónThere is a chapter on grass and its use. The changes that occurred due to the introduction of the new machinery are also recorded. Fruit trees, their planting and care, grafting, pruning, harvesting and the use of the fruit are also studied. A separate chapter is dedicated to olives and vines given their importance in the southern area of the Basque Country. Both chapters study their cultivation and the production of oil and wine on the Mediterranean-facing side of ''txakoli ''white wine and cider on the Atlantic-facing side. Flax and hemp as crops linked to the self-sufficiency of the farmsteads in the past are analysed in their own chapter.

There is a chapter on grass and its use. The changes that occurred due to the introduction of the new machinery are also recorded. Fruit trees, their planting and care, grafting, pruning, harvesting and the use of the fruit are also studied. A separate chapter is dedicated to olives and vines given their importance in the southern area of the Basque Country. Both chapters study their cultivation and the production of oil and wine on the Mediterranean-facing side of txakoli white wine and cider on the Atlantic-facing side. Flax and hemp as crops linked to the self-sufficiency of the farmsteads in the past are analysed in their own chapter.