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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos del nacimiento al matrimonio en vasconia)
Las costumbres relacionadas y asociadas a la juventud conforman el grueso de la segunda parte. El baile, los cortejos y galanteos amorosos dan paso al apartado donde se trata la formalización del noviazgo. Capítulos posteriores se ocupan de describir las capitulaciones matrimoniales y la dote, que antaño tuvieron mayor importancia, y los preparativos de boda que comprenden las proclamas, la despedida de soltero y las invitaciones y obsequios hechos con ocasión del casamiento.
TraducciónThe main body of the second section deals with customs associated with youth: after looking at dancing, courtship and flirting the study moves on to deal with the establishing of formal engagements. Subsequent chapters look at marriage articles and dowries, which were of more importance in former times, and the preparations for weddings, including the reading of the banns, bachelor parties, invitations and wedding presents.

The main body of the second section deals with customs associated with youth: after looking at dancing, courtship and flirting the study moves on to deal with the establishing of formal engagements. Subsequent chapters look at marriage articles and dowries, which were of more importance in former times, and the preparations for weddings, including the reading of the banns, bachelor parties, invitations and wedding presents.