Diferencia entre revisiones de «Translations: Casa y familia en vasconia/6/en»

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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====[/atlas/casa/La-cocina-centro-de-la-vida-familiar-Andoain-1920.jpg|The kitchen, heart of the home. Andoain (G), c. 1920. Source: Aguirre Archive.|Gure etxean sua batzen, gure etxean aingeruak sartzen. <br />''Angels dance happily in a clean house.''||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/casa/La-cocina-centro-de-la-vida-familiar-Andoain-1920.jpg|The kitchen, heart of the home. Andoain (G), c. 1920. Source: Aguirre Archive.|Gure etxean sua batzen, gure etxean aingeruak sartzen. <br />''Angels dance happily in a clean house.''||]====

Revisión actual del 12:14 10 feb 2020

[/atlas/casa/La-cocina-centro-de-la-vida-familiar-Andoain-1920.jpg|The kitchen, heart of the home. Andoain (G), c. 1920. Source: Aguirre Archive.|Gure etxean sua batzen, gure etxean aingeruak sartzen.
Angels dance happily in a clean house.||]