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De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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(Página creada con «Like the other contributions planned for the Ethnographical Atlas, all six books published to date take a detailed look at different aspects of life in Vasconia. The work a...»)
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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Juegos infantiles en vasconia)
Tanto los volúmenes publicados como los posteriores que completarán el Atlas Etnográfico estudian el grupo humano de Vasconia en sus diversas manifestaciones. Para ello se ha tenido en cuenta la cultura tradicional tal y como ha sido registrada a lo largo del siglo XX y las transformaciones operadas durante el mismo.
TraducciónLike the other contributions planned for the Ethnographical Atlas, all six books published to date take a detailed look at different aspects of life in Vasconia. The work as a whole is designed to study traditional culture as recorded in the 20th century and the changes affecting it in that period.

Like the other contributions planned for the Ethnographical Atlas, all six books published to date take a detailed look at different aspects of life in Vasconia. The work as a whole is designed to study traditional culture as recorded in the 20th century and the changes affecting it in that period.