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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos del nacimiento al matrimonio en vasconia)
Los capítulos doce al quince tratan de la boda. La comitiva nupcial, la ceremonia religiosa, el banquete de bodas y los rituales observados en el mismo, la ofrenda postnupcial y la tornaboda, el antiguo acarreo del ajuar y la entrada en el domicilio conyugal son los asuntos centrales objeto de estudio. Finaliza la obra con sendos capítulos sobre la soltería, el casamiento de viejos y viudos y las uniones libres.
TraducciónChapters twelve to fifteen deal with weddings themselves. The wedding party, the religious ceremony, the wedding reception and the rituals observed there, the post-nuptial offering and the ''tornaboda, ''an old custom involving the parading of the trousseau and the entry into the home of the married couple are the main points looked at. The study finished with chapters on bachelorhood/spinsterhood, the marriage of old people and widows/widowers and common law marriages.

Chapters twelve to fifteen deal with weddings themselves. The wedding party, the religious ceremony, the wedding reception and the rituals observed there, the post-nuptial offering and the tornaboda, an old custom involving the parading of the trousseau and the entry into the home of the married couple are the main points looked at. The study finished with chapters on bachelorhood/spinsterhood, the marriage of old people and widows/widowers and common law marriages.