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(Página creada con «In the section dealing with beliefs, there are details of events that were thought to be an omen of death, and of where people used to believe the soul went after death, an...»)
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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos funerarios en vasconia)
En apartado de las creencias se exponen los hechos considerados como presagios de muerte, así como las creencias sobre el destino del alma y los relatos sobre aparecidos y ánimas errantes.
TraducciónIn the section dealing with beliefs, there are details of events that were thought to be an omen of death, and of where people used to believe the soul went after death, and tales about reappearances and stray souls in purgatory.

In the section dealing with beliefs, there are details of events that were thought to be an omen of death, and of where people used to believe the soul went after death, and tales about reappearances and stray souls in purgatory.