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Revisión actual del 08:42 19 jul 2019

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Mensaje original (Resumen Ritos funerarios en vasconia)
A lo largo de la obra se describe el conjunto de los actos que componen el ritual funerario. En primer lugar aquéllos que tienen lugar en la casa mortuoria: agonía, recepción de los Sacramentos, comunicación de la muerte, amortajamiento del cadáver, velatorio del muerto. Seguidamente los ritos que acompañan el traslado del féretro a la iglesia: caminos mortuorios, composición e indumentaria de la comitiva fúnebre, ofrendas en el cortejo, la celebración de las exequias.
TraducciónThroughout the work, there are descriptions of the routines that go to make up the funeral ritual. Firstly, there are those that take place in the deceased person's home: distress, administration of the Holy Sacraments, the announcement of death, shrouding the body, and of course, the wake. Following this are the rites that accompany the conveyance of the coffin to the church: the funeral procession, the people in the funeral procession and their attire, offerings in the cortege, and the celebration of funeral rites.

Throughout the work, there are descriptions of the routines that go to make up the funeral ritual. Firstly, there are those that take place in the deceased person's home: distress, administration of the Holy Sacraments, the announcement of death, shrouding the body, and of course, the wake. Following this are the rites that accompany the conveyance of the coffin to the church: the funeral procession, the people in the funeral procession and their attire, offerings in the cortege, and the celebration of funeral rites.