Diferencia entre revisiones de «Translations: Casa y familia en vasconia/11/en»

De Atlas Etnográfico de Vasconia
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====[/atlas/casa/Guisando-en-fogon-bajo-Apellaniz-1981.jpg|Cooking on the hearth. Apellániz (A), 1981. Source: López de Guereñu, Gerardo. “Apellániz. Pasado y presente de un pueblo alavés” in Ohitura 0, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Chartered Government of Álava, 1981.|The kitchen in the farmsteads was where people would usually gather together and was at the heart of family life.||ENLACE]====
====[/atlas/casa/Guisando-en-fogon-bajo-Apellaniz-1981.jpg|Cooking on the hearth. Apellániz (A), 1981. Source: López de Guereñu, Gerardo. “Apellániz. Pasado y presente de un pueblo alavés” in Ohitura 0, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Chartered Government of Álava, 1981.|The kitchen in the farmsteads was where people would usually gather together and was at the heart of family life.||]====

Revisión actual del 12:14 10 feb 2020

[/atlas/casa/Guisando-en-fogon-bajo-Apellaniz-1981.jpg|Cooking on the hearth. Apellániz (A), 1981. Source: López de Guereñu, Gerardo. “Apellániz. Pasado y presente de un pueblo alavés” in Ohitura 0, Vitoria-Gasteiz: Chartered Government of Álava, 1981.|The kitchen in the farmsteads was where people would usually gather together and was at the heart of family life.||]